This was definetly a Barbarian nerf and NOT a TWF Nerf , at least not as much. I mean they even got rid of the stunning effect on weighted as if to mop up any last reservoir of advantage that a barbarian had. I really don't understand why Turbine is doing all this (effectively shafted the melee classes across the board). If they want to stay silent, I guess it's their choice, but this isn't a free MUD being hosted by a enthusiast programmer from his basement. This is a game where we pay RL money to play hence we deserve some type of explanation at the very least.
->My suggestion is to at the very least fix the barbarian capstone before all of this goes live. It's only fair since they completely neutered it by taking a key part of it out they should add something back in to make it what it was supposed to do in the first place.
-> I would also suggest they find another way to fix twitching. (And I blame this all on people like Shade and other Barb powergamers and their stupid epeen vids on youtube) because quite honestly I have no idea even how to twitch. Hit and runs and attacks while moving was what made the game fun, if you completely destroy that be lowering damage up to 40% then people will be forced to park their toons and go on autoattack mode. When we had it,it wasn't overpowered (if you didn't twitch). TWF for instance would out DPS the THF user when comparing attacks while moving right now. Post Nerf, the gap between the two while moving would be somewhere in the 50% ballpark, it would be nuts.