Well, I got on my level 14 forgotten Barbarian. All I have to say is wow... I was wrong. Barbarians ... GOT... SHAFTED.

I thought the TWF changes were bad but what I've noticed is that glancing blows + movement was/is a HEAVY HEAVY part of a Barbarians overall damage makeup. The main equation thats broken is this...

For a Barbarian:

Movement = Survival

Damage = Usefulness

Thus, what the devs have done is,

Movement = Less Damage = less usefulness

No Movement = More Damage = less survival

In the end, its a lose lose for Barbs. And then to top it all off, the Barbarian capstone has been annihalated, a puny +2 to strength? I mean will a barb even notice a measly +2 to strength at cap?

Conclusion: The Barbarian nerf is pretty ridiculous. Wow, you Barbs have my condolences.