Originally Posted by
Yet again everyone is missing the point of this, read my OP this is not a true tank build, its trying to look at S&B in a new light. Shielding is not all AC it comes with some DR that you wont see on any other item, and this build is all about trying to see what can come from glancing blows with a single handed weapon. PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING, this subject has been beaten to death now, the first three - four post were helpful in dispelling the thought of DPS and classic MMO tank mesh, so i thought I would throw in a build that was purely DPS to counter with all the pure tank builds. Dropping AC on a S&B is an odd concept but that's what I'm after I don't like the generic 'cookie cutter must be built this way only' characters. Everyone in the discussion is leaning one way or the other period, while i was trying to walk the line in the middle, I see now that if you walk the middle at end game you only have the middle. However I don't think it's a valid reason to just drop the concept of unique builds all together, with the right planning i think you can pull off great dps on a S&B without sacrificing the ability to tank.