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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default In search of a guild. Few Important requirements.

    Hello everyone.
    First of all i want to apologize for my bad english.
    Second of all, as the title suggests, i'm in search of a guild but please, hear me out.
    Third, casual player, F2P atm.
    1) I don't care about how many members does your guild haves, aslong as the members don't play together. But let's be honest, i don't want to join a dead guild either. Back in the days i was in a guild with many many members, they were nice guys and all, but i've noticed something a bit wierd. Players in the same guild, with the same level, questing in the same area (let's say marketplace) but in different parties. Now what's the point of a guild if you're not playing together? I understand the fact that one would like to do other things, or even play alone from time to time. But aslong as you are questing in the same area as some other members from your guild, group up. If you're in a PuG, you can easily and politely excuse yourself (the guild calls), and join your mates. Or finish the current quest with the pug and the group up.
    2) I am not looking for a guild that rushes mindlessly every dungeon out there. Yes, there are times when you rush, run dungeons for favor or things like that. But people need to understand that most of the times, when you rush in inappropriate times, it takes longer to finish a dungeon. If you die 3 times, make your cleric drain his mana to heal you or others because you aggroed everything etc, it actually takes longer to finish a quest, and it's more frustrating, it costs more money to repair your gear, and there's the risk you will not finish the dungeon alltogether. Team-up for the sake of playing with your guild-mates, not only for completing a quest. And you must know how to lose.
    3) I've played on EU like two years ago, i know the basics of DDO, but i don't know everything. I forgot alot of things about ddo. So i'm looking for a newb-friendly guild.
    4) RL comes first. If a party is at the biggest boss in the game, and a member needs to log out because something from RL came up, there must be no hard-feelings etc. RL>ddo allways.
    5) Eu based guild if possible. If not, atleast some activity in the evenings (eu time). And the use of a mic must not be mandatory. I can try to use it, but my english is not good, and sometimes i can't use it atall.
    6) Mature members but not grumpy. Prefferably 18+, people with jobs, families and other things like that. (no i don't have anything against younglings, everyone was a young padawan at one point, but this way i can relate more with the members, and they can understand better if something intervened and i can't stay ingame any longer)
    7) Light RP would be welcomed but not mandatory, and not at the expense of points 1 to 6.
    8) I'm not too fond of forums, so if a guild-forum registration is requiered, fine i'll go with it. But don't shove the forum link in my face every 10 minutes. I'm not "foruming" i'm playing DDO.
    Thank you for having the patience of reading my thread, and if what i'm saying here is against your ingame ethics, please do not bother to make a point. I've made this thread in search of a guild, not to discuss how i should think or play.

    P.S. Please take in consideration what i've written here, I don't want to get invites here like i'm getting party invites in the game. (recieved invite, accepted, asked what's going on, silence. Or when i create a party with "no rushing please" in description, people join and then everyone rushes solo. If you don't know what rushing is, here's a quick definition, or part of it. "when you leave the group behind in order to show off your 'skills' and you get yourself killed in the process. Or not." Go play solo if that's how you want it)

  2. #2
    Community Member tfdac's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    aside from the Euro time zone, Killer Dwarfs meets a lot of your requirements. We're not huge in numbers by any means but when possible we group together and have a good time.

    Only requirement we have is your character has to be a dwarf - because we're elite like that. Talk to Wytina, Ortarr, Danear, Menever, Breakerton or Purge in game for more info.
    Hellica, Dwarf Wizard | Wytina, Dwarf Monk
    Officer of Killer Dwarfs
    Here lies a toppled god. His fall was not a small one. We did but build his pedestal, a narrow and a tall one. ~ Tleilaxu Epigram

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by tfdac View Post
    aside from the Euro time zone, Killer Dwarfs meets a lot of your requirements. We're not huge in numbers by any means but when possible we group together and have a good time.

    Only requirement we have is your character has to be a dwarf - because we're elite like that. Talk to Wytina, Ortarr, Danear, Menever, Breakerton or Purge in game for more info.
    That sounded good but, i'm sorry mate, checked the "who" list and you guys are probly sleeping at this time of the day phehe. Have a good one.

  4. #4
    Community Member FunkyGoose's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    You may want to check out the guild of calamitous intent, we seem to hit most of your needs, were a very supportive guild focused on helping the new - heres a link to our recruitment post if you want - , while a forum application is requested, if you find one of our officers in game then they will usually let you in if they like you
    No recrutment rule except 18+ etc
    Hope to see you in soon!

    ...So sayeth the Funk...
    A member of the "Feed the trolls cookies" society

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