i would like to advertise some rare loot (or not so rare but valuable).
(*****) Item i price a lot
(*) Item i may gift upon purchase of another item
##################### Named Loot ###########################
2 x Sirroco (Yet offered 400K Plat or 2 large ingredients per sirroco; im sure it worth a lil more)
=> Buy out will be 1 bloodstone per sirroco, or 1 spectral glove for both. will see a lil longer if i can get good offers.
1 x Tourney Armor
###################### Ingredient ############################
2 x Large Horn (*****)
###################### Tome ################################
+1 Manual of Quickness in Action
+1 Manual of Gainfull Exercise x 2
+1 Manual of Bodily Health x2
+2 Manual of Bodily Health
+2 Manual of Quickness in Action
+2 Manual of Gainfull Exercise
##################### Random ################################
### Weapons:
+1 Bodyfeeder Greataxe of Greater Undead Bane (ML=12)
+2 Anarchic Light Mace Of Weighted 5% (ML=16)
+3 Holy Heavy mace greater construct bane (ML=12, RR=Halfing, UMD=22) (*****)
### Armors:
Elven Chainmail =)
+5 DarkLeaf Breasplate (ML=8,AB=10,MAB=14) (*)
+5 Mithral Breatplate of Fox's Cunning (ML=10,AB=10,MAB=15) (*****)
+5 Mithral Chain Shirt of Power III (ML=12,AB=9,MAB=15;+30 SP) (*)
+2 Mithral Chain Shirt of Spearblock (ML=6,AB=6,MAB=12;DR5 against piercing) (*)
### Accesories
Clever Ring +5 Int, RR Warforged, ML=9 (*****)
################################################## #######
Looking for
1 x Bloodstone
1 x Spectral Gloves
Large ingredients
(will update shortly with anything that me be of some value, and keep post updated).
Send a Private message with your offers, i consider any public offer as free bump (unless it is really nice offer)
I will also appreciate any bump or Price checks
Have a nice time on Cannith.