I took about 40 pretty good weapons and added either frost or Icy Burst to them. I focused on the most popular weapons (Scimitar, Rapier, SS, DAxe, etc.) but did a few obscure ones too.

I have some of just about everything from ML 2 to high ML. (ML 2 Frost DAxe of Pure Good anyone... About 60K plat would do it) I don't have a full inventory to list, as these are strewn across several toons and accounts, etc.

Let me know what kind of weapon you are looking for, how much you would like to pay, and I'll give you a list of everything close to what you're after.

Keep in mind with the offers, that the investment for a frost weapon (getting the base weapon and the frost kit) is usually about 40K plat. For Icy burst, the investment is between 120 and 200K plat. And I did this to make a fair profit.

Let me know what you are after and I'm pretty sure I can hook you up.