Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.34
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Ymmuri Stalker(SwordSlinger
Level 20 True Neutral Human Male
(14 Fighter \ 5 Barbarian \ 1 Rogue) 
Hit Points: 382
Spell Points: 0 
BAB: 19\19\24\29\29
Fortitude: 15
Reflex: 10
Will: 4

                  Starting            Ending          Feat/Enhancement
Abilities        Base Stats         Base Stats         Modified Stats
(28 Point)       (Level 1)          (Level 20)           (Level 20)
Strength             17                 21                   25
Dexterity            16                 17                   17
Constitution         13                 13                   15
Intelligence          8                  8                    8
Wisdom                8                  8                    8
Charisma              8                  8                    8

                  Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                 Base Skills         Modified Skills
Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 20)
Balance               7                     7
Bluff                -1                     1
Concentration         1                     4
Diplomacy            -1                     1
Disable Device       n/a                   n/a
Haggle                3                     3
Heal                  1                     1
Hide                  3                     3
Intimidate            3                    11
Jump                  7                    25
Listen               -1                    -1
Move Silently         3                     3
Open Lock             7                     7
Perform              n/a                   n/a
Repair               -1                    -1
Search               -1                    -1
Spot                 -1                    -1
Swim                  7                    11
Tumble                7                    20
Use Magic Device     n/a                   n/a

Level 1 (Rogue)
Skill: Balance (+4)
Skill: Haggle (+4)
Skill: Heal (+2)
Skill: Intimidate (+4)
Skill: Jump (+4)
Skill: Open Lock (+4)
Skill: Swim (+4)
Skill: Tumble (+4)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Feat: (Human Bonus) Two Weapon Fighting

Level 2 (Fighter)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Tumble (+0.5)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Oversized Two Weapon Fighting

Level 3 (Fighter)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Tumble (+0.5)
Feat: (Selected) Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Khopesh
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons

Level 4 (Fighter)
Ability Raise: DEX
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Tumble (+0.5)

Level 5 (Fighter)
Skill: Intimidate (+2)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons

Level 6 (Fighter)
Skill: Intimidate (+2)
Feat: (Selected) Power Attack

Level 7 (Fighter)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Tumble (+0.5)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Two Weapon Fighting

Level 8 (Fighter)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Tumble (+1)

Level 9 (Fighter)
Skill: Jump (+2)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons

Level 10 (Fighter)
Skill: Tumble (+1)

Level 11 (Fighter)
Skill: Tumble (+1)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Stunning Blow

Level 12 (Fighter)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Tumble (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting

Level 13 (Fighter)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons

Level 14 (Fighter)
Skill: Tumble (+1)

Level 15 (Fighter)
Skill: Tumble (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Two Weapon Defense

Level 16 (Barbarian)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Jump (+4)

Level 17 (Barbarian)
Skill: Intimidate (+2)
Skill: Tumble (+1)

Level 18 (Barbarian)
Skill: Jump (+2)
Skill: Tumble (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness

Level 19 (Barbarian)
Skill: Tumble (+2)

Level 20 (Barbarian)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Jump (+2)
Skill: Tumble (+1)
Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost I
Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost II
Enhancement: Barbarian Damage Boost I
Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost I
Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost II
Enhancement: Barbarian Sprint Boost I
Enhancement: Barbarian Sprint Boost II
Enhancement: Barbarian Improved Damage Reduction I
Enhancement: Barbarian Extend Rage I
Enhancement: Barbarian Extend Rage II
Enhancement: Barbarian Extra Rage I
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Rage I
Enhancement: Kensei Khopesh Mastery I
Enhancement: Kensei Khopesh Mastery II
Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy I
Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy II
Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy III
Enhancement: Fighter Kensei I
Enhancement: Fighter Kensei II
Enhancement: Fighter Khopesh Specialization I
Enhancement: Fighter Flanking Mastery I
Enhancement: Fighter Flanking Mastery II
Enhancement: Human Adaptability Strength I
Enhancement: Human Greater Adaptability Constitution I
Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery I
Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery II
Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery III
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Racial Toughness III
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
Enhancement: Barbarian Constitution I
Enhancement: Fighter Strength I
Enhancement: Fighter Strength II
Enhancement: Fighter Strength III
Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I
Enhancement: Fighter Toughness II
This is A build that I have been looking foreword to finishing for the last week (though I've been thinking about this build for a lot longer then that Basically its a TWF DPS fight of sorts specializing in Khopeshes, Good for group questing and for brawl arena I really Enjoyed playing and working the kinks out of this build on Orion though I am going to make it and play it on Sarlona.

Enjoy and feel free to comment.