I made a belated migration from the EU to the US last month (and actually had 18 months out of the game) so I came to the US servers with nothing and wanted to make a character that I could take painlessly (and enjoyably) through the whole game.
I've read a lot of builds on these forums and most are very skillfully done, all of them will outperform Razebot in every activity but one - achievable results for new players who want something a bit different.
Razebot is built to PUG. He can fulfil several roles and will be an asset to most PUGs. He is not built to be awesome in end-game content. He is not built to generate a lot of DPS.
I'd like to say this build is for new players, but I really think something like a pure fighter or cleric would be best for the newest of the new. That said, if you're new to DDO but a quick learner, this could be for you.
Razebot - 11 Wizard/3 Rogue/6 Fighter Warforged.
Stats - 28 point build
Str 15 (all level ups but one go here)
Dex 16 (one level up at level 8 here for TWF)
Con 16
Int 12
Wis 6
Cha 6
Level Progression and Feats
1. Rogue - Feat = Toughness
2. Fighter - Bonus Feat = Stunning Blow
3. Wizard - Feat = Weapon Proficiency: Bastard Sword (seriously) Wizard Bonus Feat = Extend
4. Wizard - Stat point into STR
5. Wizard
6. Wizard - Feat = Two weapon Fighting
7. Wizard - Bonus Feat = Maximise
8. Rogue - Stat point into DEX
9. Wizard - Feat = Mental Toughness
10. Wizard
11. Fighter - Bonus Feat = Improved Two Weapon Fighting
12. Wizard - Feat = Empower spell, Stat point into STR
13. Wizard
14. Wizard - Bonus Feat = Quicken
15. Wizard - Feat = Improved Critical: Slashing
16. Fighter - Stat point into STR
17. Fighter - Bonus Feat = Power Atack
18. Rogue - Feat = Greater Two Weapon Fighting (on the assumption you can get a +2 Dex tome by this point)
19. Fighter
20. Fighter - Bonus Feat = Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
Points go into UMD, Search, Disable, Rogue levels are used to keep these as close to max as possible. By doing this you can have trap skills that, while not stellar, will get you through almost everything on Normal with fairly standard equipment. If you can find space for Open Locks that works nicely too.
Max Elemental Manipulation
Max Racial constitution
Max Racial Toughness
Fighter Toughness II
Fighter Haste Boost II
Warforged Damage Reduction I
Warforged Healers Friend I
Wizard's Intelligence I
Energy of of the Scholar III
Fighter Strength II
Rogue Skill Boost I
Warforged Inscribed Armour I
Warforged Tactics I
Fighter Strategy - Stunning Blow I
Fighter Strategy - Trip I
Rogue Dexterity I
Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
Wizard Force Manipulation III
And the remaining points you can spend how you like
Just recommendations, being a Wizard you can do whatever you like. In bold are spells that I think are essential. Repair spells are useful at almost every level but once you get reconstruct you can dump the others. Bulls and Bears are great until you get items that make them unnecessary, etc. I will say that you should not try any spell that mobs have to make a saving throw against. Razebot's DC is pathetic.
Level 1 Jump, Shield, Magic Missile, Nightshield, Expeditious Retreat
Level 2 Resist Energy, Blur, Repair Moderate Damage, Scorching Ray, Bulls Strength, Bears Endurance
Level 3 Haste, Displacement, Rage, Protection from Energy, Magic Circle Against Evil, Heroism
Level 4 Firewall, Dimension Door, Fire Shield, Solid Fog
Level 5 Cone of Cold, Teleport, Cloudkill
Level 6 Reconstruct, Greater Heroism
Bastard Swords are not great weapons. They might get a little better in update 5 but they are little better than longswords. The reason Razebot uses them is because they are cheap. If you've got cash coming out of your ears then simply swap Bastard Sword for Khopesh and never look back, but you can get Vorpal Bastard Swords for 150,000 gold. Equivalent Khopeshes cost 10x that. Bastards Swords are cheap and plentiful on the AH, they are the best way for a new player to equip themselves with some really solid gear. A vorpal bastard sword is the same as a vorpal anything, all you care about is 20s. It similarly goes (sort of) for disruptors, smiters, and banishers. Using weapon effects rather than raw damage in the 13-17 level range will be your bread and butter.
This build doesn't need great equipment to work, it isn't designed around great equipment and I run it using stuff entirely pulled from chests and the occasional dip into the AH. No equipment is essential save for moderate fortification and A divine power clicky.
Level 1-6 - Hit things with a Greataxe. Fix yourself when necessary. Blur yourself and the party when you can.
Level 7-9 - The above, but do it permanently Hasted and Displaced.
Level 10-17 - The above, but do it standing in a firewall and swinging dual bastard swords
Level 18-20 - Enjoy trying to convince people to take you in to raids. (seriously this will be an uphill struggle, there are lot of people who won't think you know what the hell you did when you built your character, the best idea is to lead the raid yourself)
So there it is, a self-healing, self buffing tanking rogue robot that is a blast to play and easy on the wallet. This build is very survivable and very forgiveable. It can even raise the dead later in the game!