That's a big call Borro, the anime is excellent and easily one at the top of my slice of life* list, next to Mushishi and Spicywolf easily. Sadly gonna have to check out the live action when my internet is uncapped next month *curses **** aussie ISP's and their download caps..*
*hrmm.. maybe not quite "slice-of-life", might be the wrong term but i cant for the life of me remember what sub-genre that is.. other than 'awesome non-action anime'.
Last edited by Uchuujin-San; 06-22-2010 at 11:22 PM.
Roldon - L16 Whirling tempest of gimp.. now TR3'd for extra super double gimp : Lauralis - L22 FvS: Roldocron - L20 ArchFail : Roldobot - L20 LotB FvS: Roldyn - L21 Rogbarian, i can has disable.. after i find trap with face... : Roldyne - L20 Bardouge, i can has disable... after someone else finds trap with face... Proud gimp of BeiberLu.. i mean Wanderlust
I know! It's on top of my best anime ever too, which is why I was so surprised to find the live action that good. Pretty much everyone I know of either loved or preferred the live action. It's sillier than the anime - it's more of a comedy - so put yourself in that mindset and you'll enjoy it thoroughly.
On my side, I'll have to watch Mushishi. You're like the fourth person in two weeks to praise it.
Ya. Spice & Wolf isn't really a slice of life, considering it involves a wolf goddess or something like that. I get what you mean., #1 source for DDO information.
Seems there's a lot of responses with a lot of good taste.
You're correct. That's the one.
@Borroro: I know the director has a lot of similar movies and I'll watch all of them, but there's so much to watch and so little time.
Series/Movies I still have to watch are:
Death Note
Samurai Champloo
A few of studio Ghibli (Porco rosso on the top of my head)
Gundam series
5 cm per second and some other films by the same director
Naruto (started this one but never finished)
and anything in this top 50 that I like :
Conclusion: Will probably be watching anime for at least 5 years of my life.
This thread made me dig out my antique copies of Star Blazers and Robotech.
Thanks for the fun, for a change, flashback...
Funniest one would be History Strongest Disciple Kenishi, worth a lot of laugh.
Deep and gore and philosophical is Berserk
Gore only is Afro Samourai :P
Kenshin is also very good as humor/action
Politic would be Gundam Wing
Stupid but hell of a laugh humor would be Those who hunt elve
Good on acid trip would be Serial Experimental Lain (it is like and acid trip without acid :P)
I have much more anime I liked, but will stop at that! Thing is I like manga more than anime, and right now One Piece, Bakuman, Wolf Guy, Fairy Tale, The Breaker, etc are some of the good ongoing series
Xalekk - 18pal/2rog Xalek - 18barb/2rog
Xalekia - 18Rng/1Mnk/1Rog Alekian - 12wiz/6mnk/2ftr
Cynvan - 18Clr/2Mnk Aleathiel - 20 sorc
+1 for the Naruto. Bleach never caught my interest. Ironically I read One piece then as well.
Chrono Crusade was fun
Elfen leid was awesome (creeps everyone out though)
Air Master (I think a different one than what is currently popular)
Grappler Baki
I can't beleieve someone else mentioned Legend of the Galactic Heroes. I love that anime and was saddened when my outlets stopped carrying new releases of it.
I am a huge DB nerd, so all of that.
So yeah, pretty much what's out there and has more action than panties. LOL
Bug template! QA is here for you.
How random DD is
how to handle this random, anywhere
Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy
+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!
Inuyasha (great ending)
FMA: brotherhood
Dragonball Kai
Gundam Wing
The little ninja
FullMetal Alchemist
Ghost in the Shell
Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo
Last Exile
Desert Punk (pretty funny, but not great)
Saiyuki (started good, but did not turn out to be fantastic)
When They Cry, gotta say this is one of the more disturbing anime I've ever seen. It's so **** cute and out of no where people start having heads bashed in with baseball bats... ***, lol. So far really enjoying, can't wait to get to the second season to see what the hell is actually going on.![]()
At the moment, I'm following FMA: Brotherhood and trying to get caught up on Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei.
I think I might get sucked into watching Busou Renkin a second time -- my fiancée has been reading the Kenshin manga and she just found out about Watsuki's involvement in BR.
I've also been meaning to check out the redone Evangelion -- was it just a series of OVA's / films this time? I haven't looked into it extensively yet.
Last edited by Zeruell; 06-23-2010 at 02:31 PM.
I will definitely be checking this out ASAP, cheers for the heads-up.
I can't recommend Mushishi enough. It's fairly slow paced and episodic without a real over-arching plot, but the production values and just the general atmosphere of the show, not to mention the underlying themes on (and im "intellectualizing" here) co-existence and on the limits of human knowledge (if you like your anime with a side of this), are excellent and easily make up for it. If you've ever seen Kino no Tabi and enjoyed it you'll really like Mushishi.
In a similar vein is Natsume Yujinchou and the sequel Zoku Natsume Yujinchou. Not quite as polished as Mushishi but definitely enjoyable.
Oh, and i dont think anyone's mentioned any of the three seasons of Aria yet.. another excellent slow paced show.. relaxing slice-of-lifer with an awesome soundtrack.
The rebirth of Eva (iirc) is a tetralogy of feature films (i think theyre 90-100 mins long) that basically retells the Eva storyline.. there are some added scenes which help explain alot of ambiguities as mentioned before, and some of the characters are subtly different, plus the second movie begins to deviate from the original quite radically. So far theres only 2 movies, personally, and if it makes any sense, i'm enjoying watching the rebirth movies more.. but i find that it doesnt quite have the same depth of the original. Granted it's still only half complete so i can't say too much.
Last edited by Uchuujin-San; 06-23-2010 at 02:49 PM.
Roldon - L16 Whirling tempest of gimp.. now TR3'd for extra super double gimp : Lauralis - L22 FvS: Roldocron - L20 ArchFail : Roldobot - L20 LotB FvS: Roldyn - L21 Rogbarian, i can has disable.. after i find trap with face... : Roldyne - L20 Bardouge, i can has disable... after someone else finds trap with face... Proud gimp of BeiberLu.. i mean Wanderlust
+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!
I only made it through the first page, and seen a lot of greats posted, but I never saw Death Note. FLCL/Evangelion/Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi/This Ugly Yet Beautiful World (in otherwords, anything made by Gainax) are all awesome, although outside of Evangelion not as widely know. Saiyuki is an awesome series, and I've enjoyed almost all of the various Gundam series. If you like fighting and fanservice, I'd definitely recommend Ikki Tousen, which is (kinda) about the Three Kingdoms fighters, only reincarnated into high schoolers in Japan.
That's a good start of recommendations, at least! Oh, yes, if you like Dragonball/Z/GT/Kai, you might also dig YuYu Hakasho, although the first season is a little bit slow.
Last edited by quietkey0; 06-23-2010 at 02:49 PM. Reason: Oh, yes, and how could I forget Kinichi: The Mightiest Disciple?!?!?!
Better. its a new retelling.
I would tell you but this is a family site.![]()
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
Go for the eyes Boo!