So now that were not derailing the original thread further: quite agreed that the bugs been around for a while, as well as somewhat simple to avoid so long as you're in control of the situation. Matter of fact, I'll quite often whip out a bow on the current... *thing* (don't really have a forum-approved-build-name for the particular split-class) for a bit of plinking via SA on something with cold/fire-shield or, say, elite DQ (last time I can remember sweating about it much).
The point I was attempting, perhaps poorly, to make was that a greater number of characters given an incentive to be in mid-range rather than far range due to the recent update will most likely have less time to account for things going pear-shaped (as they inevitably do at times), leading to a higher instance of close-in ranged combat while waiting for that weapons swap to cycle through, which will in turn make the notability of the bug higher.
As such, it is good to hear it will be getting fixed, however, it must be expected that that will inevitably reflect poorly for the first (week? two?) on the implementation while that is being pushed through. Which is concerning.