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  1. #61
    Community Member Kaldaka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dylos_Moon View Post
    But its safe to say if you read most of the text in the game, you will understand a good deal of the storyline.

    Read text?!?!?! No way ... MUST ZERG XP FASTER!!!

    Officer of ARCHANGELS - Thelanis

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  2. #62
    Community Member Sarr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    I guess what I'm saying is... careful what you say around here.

    "Don't give him any ideas!" is a phrase I heard fairly often at the gaming table. It didn't stop them, though.
    I think that's already happened here . And no, that's really great to see, no reason to stop it .
    My Portal: | DDOpl Twiter | DDOpl on Facebook | "Gildia DDOpl"
    Me plays gee-tar.
    "There is no easy way for an honest man today".

  3. #63
    The Hatchery SisAmethyst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bashemgud View Post
    This is interesting. Where does a noob start learning more about DDO lore and the story behind modules (note DDO and not the PnP lore) ?
    With the theater in House Phiarlan we now get at least a part of this storyline shown which was written in the Release Notes of Modul 4. Maybe we could get the other parts that link together in that theater too?
    * We have collectable bags, mind you, even hireling folders, but can I have that 6-pack for my potions please?
    * Having already a past life on the dieng EU servers, I rerolled here and started from scratch as I like the game and the community, so lets see what awaits me here

  4. #64
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boromirs View Post
    It would be cool if the dracolich was so huge that you would actually need to climb on top of him to attack his weak point (perhaps his sephulcre or jewel embedded in his forehead)
    I remember a PnP session with something similar.. except it was the lich's phylactery, and it was the whole tower rather than a small gem... the way our DM kept on cackling as we spent a couple of whole sessions taking any number of suspiciously magical gems from the place & destroying them one by one while the lich kept on regenerating & causing chaos should really have tipped us off
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  5. #65
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    When I DM, I often use a technique I call freestyle paranoia.

    I make players not trust their quest giver and other NPCs, developing some sort of a mystery... who is that guy, really, and what does he really want?

    It's not all that hard. Make a couple illogical actions take place, throw something unexpected at them... and then sit back and watch the fireworks.

    They will spend hours trying to put things together. You can literally start with nothing but one NPC and an adventure idea, and the players will conspiracy theory it sky high!

    When you hear a good story, you run with it, follow it just long enough to confirm their worst fears...

    And then you throw another non-sequitor at them - something that invalidates the previous story and sends them for another loop of paranoia.

    You can keep doing this for as long as you like. You can even build a whole campaign out of it.

    I guess what I'm saying is... careful what you say around here.

    "Don't give him any ideas!" is a phrase I heard fairly often at the gaming table. It didn't stop them, though.

    After reading this, have to ask;

    You ever play Paranoia?

    Next to D&D, this is my favorite game and from your DM style, this is made for you!

    Never laughed/cried so hard with or without pants on.

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
    Adventurer, Bug Reporter, Mournlander.

  6. #66


    Quote Originally Posted by Dylos_Moon View Post
    The plotline I am refering to is the Waterworks>Shan To Kor>Threnal Ruins>Tempest Spine>Vault of Night>Gianthold>Reaver's Refuge
    Fixed it for ya.

    The seal of shan to kor was to be used in order to bargain with Bergthram.

    Bergthram was the named giant shaman at the end of Threnal. Apparently, he's an agent for Sor'jek.
    Pwesiela - Completionist Arcane Archer; Pia - Silver Flame Assassin; Aes - of the Blue Ajah; Insene - Deathpriest; Enaila - Aiel Bodyguard; Uduk - Dwarven Meatwall; Vitalien -Warder
    Quote Originally Posted by Victorie View Post
    Pwesiela is correct.

  7. #67
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    Well, an interesting guess is all this low level content is being put out to give the lowbie/f2pfroobs something to keep them busy while they are working on a sweet high lvl dungeon for us for later. It will just take some time, thats all.

    Off note, It's really cool to actually hear from a dev's perspective and hear his stories. It really makes the game and its team seem more human and down-to-earth. i like it
    Q&A is the business of pointing out others' failures. Optimists need not apply.

  8. #68
    Community Member die's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dylos_Moon View Post
    There's actually already a plotline in ddo that includes a dracolich, we just haven't gotten to that point in the storyline yet.

    The plotline I am refering to is the Waterworks>Shan To Kor>Tempest Spine>Vault of Night>Gianthold>Reaver's Refuge

    There is evidence that The Truthful One, is behind Sorjek's actions in the Reaver's Refuge. The Truthful One, along with the Ancient Stormreaver, closed off Dal Qour, in doing so, both of their lives were sacrificed. However The Truthful One betrayed the stormreaver at the last moment, using the magics they cast to shut off Dal Quor and destroy the 13th moon of Eberron to become a Dracolich.

    In the Reaver's Refuge storyline, The Truthful One made Sorjek into a Lich, and had him gather the six dragon warriors in Stealer of Souls to create an Undead Draconic Army. However Sorjek failed.

    What The Truthful One has been up to since is unknown.

    There are two major storylines in DDO, the first I mentioned, and the other is the LoTD>Vale>Subterrain>Amarath. Yes, you read that right, the Devils invading Stormreach was the result of the Abbot. At this time I am still unsure of where Demon Sands and The Titan fit, though, the Titan and Inspired Quarter/Dreaming Dark do relate to the Stormreaver/Truthful One Storyline, I cannot figure out where they fit exactly, as while they relate, the events are not as a result of. But then, the storyline isn't a straight line anyway, its more of a web of events leading to each other.

    The Truthful One could not have turned Sorjek into a lich if not for us killing him in Tempest Spine, the dragons would not have arrived in stormreach, if not for us killing Velah, the stormreaver would not be in the reaver's refuge if not for us destorying his doomsday device. Additionally, Velah tells us "A terrible Doom is written in Kundarak's Shards", because Velah had already seen what was going to happen to stormreach in the Draconic Prophecy. Yes, Velah knew what would happen to us, and she tried to warn us, but as she said "foolish mortals do you think I sold my freedom for mere greed?" we would not listen to her warnings.

    The Truthful One is's only a matter of time.
    nice ty for the read+1
    Kahzadoom~Nexus~Irondoom~Doomlord~XvKing DoomHammer~
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  9. #69
    Community Member Dylos_Moon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pwesiela View Post
    Fixed it for ya.

    The seal of shan to kor was to be used in order to bargain with Bergthram.

    Bergthram was the named giant shaman at the end of Threnal. Apparently, he's an agent for Sor'jek.
    I knew I was missing a step or two between shan to kor and sor'jek.
    The poster formerly known as San'tar...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Don't make me pull this forum over and come back there

  10. #70
    Community Member Cetus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerendil View Post

    Is anyone else imagining a giant, undead broccoli with red-glowing eyes shouting "I'M NUTRITIOUS!" at the raid party?

    PS - Flimsy, have you ever considered putting easter eggs ingame where people can find hidden fights/treasure if certain things are done, including discovering a secret fight against broccoli!

    Is that where the plant slaying dream edges come in?

    I'd like to see a marilith hexa-wielding them at a brocco-lich.

    ok now im ranting...

  11. #71
    Community Member Symar-FangofLloth's Avatar
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    Hazadil, a bugbear whom we first hear of in A Man Named Baudry Cartamon, has connections with the Aurum, a secret society of self-serving nobles and business men from Khorvaire, which we discover by listening to NPC conversation in Come Out And Slay.

    Velah, through the help of (I forget his name, the end-dwarf in VoN5), enlisted the Aurum to break into the Vault.

    (As an aside here: It was the Inspired, for reasons unknown, that tried to kill Mistress Orphne prior to VoN2.)

    The Aurum, for whatever reason, rally under the call of the Stormreaver in Gianthold.

    Hazadil, using his connections, discovered the Twilight Forge on the Restless Isles. We kill him and find the map in Hiding in Plain Sight, and go there. We shut down the Forge and prevent it from getting in the hands of any number of groups.

    Now that people know there are Titans about, Lord Goodblade 'happens' to find one and brings it back to town. It possibly has a faulty memory, allowing us to easily access it; we do so at the same time as the Quori/Inspired, discovering their plot (Eye of the Titan). Dreaming Dark plot goes here, but the result is House Cannith now has access to a supply of ancient Titans (without needing/having the Twilight Forge). They reactivate some, and send them to Shavarath in Weapons Shipment to fight back the Devils.

    Everything all ties together.
    Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.

  12. #72
    Community Member Dylos_Moon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Symar-FangofLloth View Post
    Dreaming Dark plot goes here, but the result is House Cannith now has access to a supply of ancient Titans (without needing/having the Twilight Forge). They reactivate some, and send them to Shavarath in Weapons Shipment to fight back the Devils.
    House Cannith has actually had access to Warforged Titans for quite awhile they were used in the Last War, and were actually made by House Cannith before they created modern Warforged. Houst Cannith originally stole the designs for both the warforged titan and warforged from the ancient warforged, which as we discover in prison of the planes were actually originally used as bodies for the Quori before the inspired.

    Oh, and btw, all Docents are sentient, they possess ancient Quori spirits in them, which while they cannot control modern warforged can communicate with them. The Ancient Quori that inhabit docents are not the same quori as those that invaded Xen'drik in the past or the present, Dal Quor is "reformatted" every once in awhile, and the Quori change, the modern Quori, and their minions the inspired as we learn in eye of the titan, do not know what happened to their ancestors, because all that information was lost when Dal Quor was "reformatted". Some Ancient Quori still exist, but in the form of Docents, and in some cases, Kalashtar, however most Kalashtar if i recall correctly have fairly modern Quori ancestors.
    The poster formerly known as San'tar...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Don't make me pull this forum over and come back there

  13. #73
    Community Member SaisMatters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    I am absolutely positive that every trap in our game can be found by sprinting.
    You need to change your signature to reflect the times. 1d6 isn't acceptable anymore, too confusing. Its 1-6
    sorry, couldn't resist the jibe! lol

  14. #74
    Community Member Mister_Peace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    I am absolutely positive that every trap in our game can be found by sprinting.
    Aurum Lair, secret trap.
    Quote Originally Posted by havokiano View Post
    you are boring. And you rosik a lot. bye.
    Quote Originally Posted by suitepotato View Post
    With the amount of facepalming we do, it's a wonder DDO players have any noses left.

  15. #75
    Founder Hambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gol View Post
    Given the track record of the past 3 modules and direction of the game from the producers, we've given up hope on meaningful (aka, non-epic) endgame content.
    I politely beg to disagree. It seems to me that ever since Korthos the level of new content being introduced has slowly risen, from level 1 (Korthos) to level 9-11 (Red Fens).

    I fully expect the next Wilderness area/Raid/Quest group to be set at level 12 to 15 or 16.

    I may be incorrect, but I will hold onto this theory until proven wrong
    Carpe D.M.! (Sieze the Dungeon Master!)
    Founder #2003 - Interocitor Repair - Call for discount prices

  16. #76
    Community Member BangsLiekWhoa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hambo View Post
    I politely beg to disagree. It seems to me that ever since Korthos the level of new content being introduced has slowly risen, from level 1 (Korthos) to level 9-11 (Red Fens).

    I fully expect the next Wilderness area/Raid/Quest group to be set at level 12 to 15 or 16.

    I may be incorrect, but I will hold onto this theory until proven wrong
    I agree here. I too, have noticed the gradual increase of levels of the new content. No matter how hard people complain that it is all lowbie stuff. If you actually watch, you will notice it getting a little higher each time.
    Mazertron - Polymath - Icastflare - Threeword - Jujan - Zurgur

    Quote Originally Posted by Cubethulu View Post
    Hi Welcome is now welcome to enter The Cube's belly.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Look at the Ion stones on that!

  17. #77
    Founder Hambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    I am absolutely positive that every trap in our game can be found by sprinting.
    Saves my Rogues the time to search other than to find the box
    Carpe D.M.! (Sieze the Dungeon Master!)
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  18. #78
    Community Member Diyon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BangsLiekWhoa View Post
    I agree here. I too, have noticed the gradual increase of levels of the new content. No matter how hard people complain that it is all lowbie stuff. If you actually watch, you will notice it getting a little higher each time.
    Technically sentinels was higher lvl then the carnival. But ya, I expect it to go up too.
    Khyber: Runforr 13/6/1 Rog/Ftr/Mnk, Bakup 3/3/1 Mnk/Pal/Rog (TR Pal), Faylah 14 Mnk (TR Mnk), Janthyra 12/7/1 Brb/Rog/Ftr, Ainbthech 20 Sor, Fliethas 18/2 Fvs/Mnk, Unfilled 12/6/2 Mnk/Rgr/Ftr, Arcanemark 10 Wiz "Don't eat us dragon! We're like you, but smaller. And fly worse." - Kobold Crewman on the Heart of Wind

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