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  1. #1
    Community Member rahubby's Avatar
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    Default Add some new items and skills

    How about giving Rogues their Climb Walls skill (when active lets them use any wall like a ladder if they keep making their roll)

    Also how about a rope you can drop to let teammates climb up?

  2. #2
    Community Member Khanyth's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default Cool idea....

    but too abuseable.

    Perhaps modifying it so that it can't be used on every wall, but on some. Much like spot or listen works, if a wall is climbable, a message could pop up to the rogue, assuming their skill is high enough

  3. #3
    Community Member Yeric's Avatar
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    Years ago they re did the enhancement line. They wound up with a system that was able to grow with the various increases to level cap.

    The feat system could use a overhaul. It seems dated and second class to enhancements.

    My two cents.

  4. #4
    Community Member Oolung's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khanyth View Post
    but too abuseable.

    Perhaps modifying it so that it can't be used on every wall, but on some. Much like spot or listen works, if a wall is climbable, a message could pop up to the rogue, assuming their skill is high enough
    Actually I think the skill that would make a rogue notice that would likely be spot...
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  5. #5
    Community Member rahubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khanyth View Post
    but too abuseable.

    Perhaps modifying it so that it can't be used on every wall, but on some. Much like spot or listen works, if a wall is climbable, a message could pop up to the rogue, assuming their skill is high enough
    Implemented correctly, it wouldn't really be abusable at all...for an example, let's say that your base "wall movement" speed is half what the normal ladder climbing speed is (but you can move horizontally as well as vertically) and that you have to make a roll every 10 seconds.

    A failed roll would expend one Thief Tools (in the form of a piton to make an anchor point to help stay on the wall, and if you're out of Thief Tools, you just fall from whatever height you're at)

    Positive slopes (Steep surfaces that you still can't walk on but aren't vertical) would have a bonus of +1 to climb walls skill (+5% on percentage dice) per 5 degrees off from the vertical, to a maximum bonus of +4 (+20%) while Negative slopes (overhangs) would have a penalty of -1 for every 10 degrees to a maximum penalty of -5 (-25% percentile) to cross a ceiling (you would pretty much be eating thief tools every 10-20 seconds til you got to a wall if you were on a ceiling)

    How Ropes would work: a 50 foot normal rope can be lowered from a high place (use the rope and target the edge of the dropoff), leaving a "Knot" object at the top. A rope can be climbed by any character like a ladder, but at half the speed of a ladder, and you can use right and left to rotate your character around the rope in case there are obsticals in the way of your climb. If no one is on a rope, a character can click the Knot object at the top to coil the rope up and put it in his pack. A rope left in place despawns after 5 minutes in a public place, or is lost when the instance resets. If a rope does not reach the ground, someone at the top can use ANOTHER rope on the knot object to extend it another 50 feet (there is ONLY a knot object at the top of a normal rope) - When the ropes are picked back up, they separate back into their constituant ropes.

    Elvish Rope: Works like normal rope, but there is a knot object at ground level as well, allowing an unoccupied rope to be coiled up from the bottom as well as the top. If there is an Elvish rope in any "string" of rope, this is the case. Normal ropes strung together with Elvish ropes remain normal ropes when the complete rope-object is stowed.

    Climbing walls has been part of AD&D Thief class (which later became Rogues) since first edition...bring it back!

  6. #6
    Community Member rahubby's Avatar
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    (Also note: It would be a toggle ability that would deactivate ALL of the rogue's other toggles (Defensive Fighting, auto attack, and most importantly you couldn't climb a wall stealthily.)

  7. #7
    Community Member Raodin-bel-iori's Avatar
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    Default practical skill

    I'd personally like to see a crawl skill that increases crawl speed with ranks. Why should I have to run past a head chopping trap? It would also allow them to make some more intricate traps that require it or benefit from having it.

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