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  1. #1
    Community Member Arsont's Avatar
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    Default Weapon for snb cleric?

    Greetings. I am currently working on a melee-capable cleric, and I'm wondering what weapon would be best to use to be most effective (Well, as effective as I can, considering I'm not a multiclass high str build) in combat. I'm human, so I don't get any racial proficiencies. I could constanly use a turn to get LS (Soverign Host enhancement), but sometimes I need all those when grouping (DV's). I do not plan on taking any feats (Imp. crit, weapon focus, etc.), and will probably do a lot less melee work after level 7 or so. With that in mind, what is the best weapon?

    I'm thinking bastard sword, if the glancing blows work properly. Suggestions are welcome.
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  2. #2
    Community Member Baloran's Avatar
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    For my Cleric, I use one of my two turn attempt for WP: LS (charisma = dump stat, no DV enhancemnt line at all, need that action points elsewhere) and use as my main weapon (end reward of Ruins of Threneals run). Of course you have to be good and lawful to use it, but its worth it.

  3. #3
    Community Member DToNE's Avatar
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    Well, one of the better weapons you can get as a cleric using longsword is the Sirocco. It's not meant for massive damage, but it's meant to mitigate damage, which should be a cleric's dream come true when it comes to SP/heal conservation.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zigana View Post
    ...It was a dwarven thrower--you know, it throws dwarves!

  4. #4
    Community Member Arsont's Avatar
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    Well, I have 12 cha, so I can make use (Well, try) of the PrE coming out in U5. I am Lawful Good, and I will be picking up some of the nicer longswords from quest rewards (Since I have the WP:LS enhancement that was mentioned available for use). Currently, I'm running around with a scimitar, but may change that out for bastard sword if the glancing blows work properly when using snb (Unless they require the feats...I haven't heard). Of course, if it really comes down to it, I can just trash the WP feat and take another metamagic...but I'm not quite ready for that yet
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
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  5. #5
    Community Member Kralgnax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arsont View Post
    Greetings. I am currently working on a melee-capable cleric, and I'm wondering what weapon would be best to use to be most effective (Well, as effective as I can, considering I'm not a multiclass high str build) in combat. I'm human, so I don't get any racial proficiencies. I could constanly use a turn to get LS (Soverign Host enhancement), but sometimes I need all those when grouping (DV's). I do not plan on taking any feats (Imp. crit, weapon focus, etc.), and will probably do a lot less melee work after level 7 or so. With that in mind, what is the best weapon?

    I'm thinking bastard sword, if the glancing blows work properly. Suggestions are welcome.
    Excuse me, you think it's a higher priority to throw a few spellpoints on someone else than use your abilities on yourself? I find it exceedingly difficult to believe that 1 DV could make that big a difference, especially if your stated 12 CHA is base.

    My 2 cp worth - use that for longswords, and use those and the blunt weapons we get (don't write sickles off completely, sometimes you'll find nice one) - assuming you're staying pure cleric and not burning any combat feats for weapons proficiency, IC, THF, etc.

    Fwiw, my level 12 pure cleric melees adequately with just cleric base weapons & longswords.
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  6. #6
    Community Member systemstate's Avatar
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    I carry a wide range of weapons on my cleric for various situations, but primarily use a paralyzing longsword.

    I enjoy playing a support role with this character, so I'm not overly concerned with getting kills. If I can just paralyze the odd mob that comes my way, it gives the melees enough time to finish what they're doing and then swing by and beat whatever it is to death.

    All the while, I can continue heal/buff/rez the rest of the group.
    Have a nice day!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kralgnax View Post
    Fwiw, my level 12 pure cleric melees adequately with just cleric base weapons & longswords.
    Mob HPs go up quickly after gianthold, your damage as a cleric does not. It will be tough meleeing in vale and next to impossible to do devils in shavarath or subterrene.

    The only weapon I'd even consider on a cleric is vorpal, but thats only if you're out of SP and can't blade barrier.

  8. #8
    Community Member Kralgnax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oweieie View Post
    Mob HPs go up quickly after gianthold, your damage as a cleric does not. It will be tough meleeing in vale and next to impossible to do devils in shavarath or subterrene.

    The only weapon I'd even consider on a cleric is vorpal, but thats only if you're out of SP and can't blade barrier.
    Soloing explorers - and some quests - grab up a pile of monsters, whip out a quickened (maximized) (empowered) blade barrier and watch the slayer totals mount up - melee is not the answer.

    In a group, disablers (Paralysers, curesespewers, disruptors etc.) are often a great bet - the ones I've listed don't bneed a crit to work - you're not there to kill stuff, you're there to help the other folks kill stuff, and these are very good for high hit point onesy-twosy fights where it's not worth using a BB or other spells.
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  9. #9
    Community Member Arsont's Avatar
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    While I understand the draw if twf, I really don't plan in going that route unless I take the feat. Considering I have 8 dex, that's not happening anytime soon. Snb for me is a personal choice. Until it becomes useless, I'll keep it. In fact, by the time it becomes useless, I'll be running around in a robe. I'm looking simply for what would be the best weapon to wield based on damage output if I don't take any of the feats to improve crits or whatnot. Maybe I should have rephrased my question.

    Is the khopesh still teh uber for snb with out relyin on crits, or is another weapon more viable?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Set the bar low. Minimize the risks, and youll always win.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arsont View Post
    Snb for me is a personal choice. Until it becomes useless, I'll keep it. In fact, by the time it becomes useless, I'll be running around in a robe.
    The shield will stop providing you with a detectable defense in just a few more levels. At that time it may still be sometimes helpful for you to attack in melee, but a quarterstaff will be better than any one-hand weapon you might have. (And of course a proficienct falchion would be even better)

    In fact, a quarterstaff is already better in those situations where you don't have aggro and are just helping kill monsters faster. Since other party members probably do a lot more damage than you, you often won't have the aggro.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arsont View Post
    Is the khopesh still teh uber for snb with out relyin on crits, or is another weapon more viable?
    Khopesh is still the best S&B weapon, but it's probably not enough better than the longsword you can use without spending a feat. As others have pointed out, Bastard Sword would certainly be a mistake.

    To say "with out relyin on crits" is confusing. If you meant for monsters who are immune to critical hits, then honestly your choice of weapon matters little. A mace isn't too much worse than a khopesh or bastard sword in that situation (and it's better if you're facing a skeleton)

  11. #11
    Community Member guardianx2009's Avatar
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    When you get to L10+ I found S&B to be useless. You can't kill a single mob, even if it is cc'ed with command. I decided to dual wield, figuring that with +hit buffs, as long as I can land at a decent rate, it's worth it. Besides, there's nothing to lose, if it doesn't work, switch back to S&B.

    I switched to dual wielding without any TWF feats and haven't looked back. Sure the DPS is not there, but it's all about the effects:

    You can run around Giant Hold killing any mob one-on-one with the following:
    1. Holy Burst of Pure Good Heavy Mace/Long Sword + Paralyzing light mace
    2. Vorpal Long Sword/Sickle + Paralyzing/Seeker

    I found that as long as you are fully buffed (Divine Power/Favor, Grtr Heroism, +3/+4 Human Attack Boost, you can overcome the to hit penalty effectively..

    Just know that certain very high AC mobs, you won't be able to hit, heck I noticed even Melee classes have trouble hitting them (skele's in Enemy Within, I'm looking at you).

    I'm personally surprised nobody else mentioned this. To me, Dual Wielding at mid-high levels makes your 14str cleric VERY melee capable. Hopefully Update 5 doesn't render this useless.

  12. #12
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    I'm sure that numerically dual-wielding is very nice, but it just doesn't say "cleric" to me. Like the OP, I'm human and am looking for a decent weapon between longswords and maces, (or anything else with proficiency.) I've yet to see anything with such awesome effects that it allowed me to completely disregard innate damage. The sirroco suggested earlier looks neat, but I'm clearly not going to be getting an epic level 20 weapon any time soon. I'm presently level 9.

  13. #13
    Community Member guardianx2009's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azuarc View Post
    I'm sure that numerically dual-wielding is very nice, but it just doesn't say "cleric" to me. Like the OP, I'm human and am looking for a decent weapon between longswords and maces, (or anything else with proficiency.) I've yet to see anything with such awesome effects that it allowed me to completely disregard innate damage. The sirroco suggested earlier looks neat, but I'm clearly not going to be getting an epic level 20 weapon any time soon. I'm presently level 9.
    You should start seeing paralyzers soon then you'll really how awesome it is for those levels. I had my first paralyzer at level 9 and tore through tears of dahkaan elite on it, S&B at the time. The rest of the pug, who've never seen a paralyzer, was in awe.

    Then you'll start seeing vorpals, disruptors and burst and greater bane weapons.. then you'll realize that shield is useless compared to those special effects.

    If you haven't realized it from reading the many posts about how useless S&B is, you will soon. A your ac, with your shield won't make much of a difference in preventing hits.

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