Having played numerous 3d shooters and strategy games, I do sometimes wish for a little bit more information on my and my friends' performance in an adventure. Some numbers to express how awesome we were, or to tell you that your AC could use a little work. I could also go for some Unreal tournament or mortal combat style announcements at the end, maybe some "Epic Victory!" or "Flawless Victory", depending on your stats.
Maybe some humorous ones too, "I love the smell of bat guano in the morning.... It smells like... Victory!"
Some ideas for stats that might be of interest but aren't available in the xp count:
Damage taken
Damage absorbed by DR
Damage dealt (Maybe with a break down by type)
Damage absorbed by enemy DR
Spells evaded
Traps evaded
Allies buffed
Points healed
SP wasted (due to not pointing the right direction or interrupted spells, or anything else)
Enemies stunned
Enemies tripped
Locks opened
Kill count break down (Did you really get more kills than me, or were they all bats?)
Gold looted
Saves made
Saves failed
Enemies charmed
Certainly many more are possible.