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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009

    Lightbulb Post adventure splash screen with stats?

    Having played numerous 3d shooters and strategy games, I do sometimes wish for a little bit more information on my and my friends' performance in an adventure. Some numbers to express how awesome we were, or to tell you that your AC could use a little work. I could also go for some Unreal tournament or mortal combat style announcements at the end, maybe some "Epic Victory!" or "Flawless Victory", depending on your stats.

    Maybe some humorous ones too, "I love the smell of bat guano in the morning.... It smells like... Victory!"

    Some ideas for stats that might be of interest but aren't available in the xp count:
    Damage taken
    Damage absorbed by DR
    Damage dealt (Maybe with a break down by type)
    Damage absorbed by enemy DR
    Spells evaded
    Traps evaded
    Allies buffed
    Points healed
    SP wasted (due to not pointing the right direction or interrupted spells, or anything else)
    Enemies stunned
    Enemies tripped
    Locks opened
    Kill count break down (Did you really get more kills than me, or were they all bats?)
    Gold looted
    Saves made
    Saves failed
    Enemies charmed

    Certainly many more are possible.

  2. #2


    With the current situation and lag going on. Don't think it would be sensible - as the server will have to track every swing you make and take anyways - it will now have to keep them in some buffer until you end the quest. Sounds like too much pressure on the servers with whatever they already have on their plate.

    Although some more stats lines to the adventure log would indeed be fun.
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  3. #3
    Community Member katana_one's Avatar
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    Yes, we need more ways to measure e-peen!

    Kidding, of course. Some of this might be interesting to see, but I would not place it high on the priorities list.
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  4. #4
    Hero uhgungawa's Avatar
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    with the current nerf this, and nerf that to reduce lag, anything that would add to system recourses would be a bad thing atm.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Arcticwarrior's Avatar
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    no epic victory sign, PLEASE! I don't want this to become like a flash game lol

  6. #6
    Community Member kernal42's Avatar
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    The resource use to keep track of this sort of stat would be minimal, and could probably be done client-side even (and no, if you want a breakdown of kills for example, there's no reason to keep track of every single swing....).

    The work done to make this happen, however, would not be minimal, which is the real limiting factor. While this would be quite sweet to see (I'd love to compare damage done to kill count, especially...), I'm also pretty happy that the devs are fixing bugs/exploits and adding new content.


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