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Thread: Gishyface

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Gishyface

    Hi all, I've been thinking a lot about what I'm going to TR my 28pt elf wizard into when I hit 20 (soon).

    ***NOTE: The only build assistance I really require is feats, if you want to critique the build and help me out sure, but I really need feat assistance! ***

    I've had a hankering for a gish type character, particularly due to the (very few) very nice melee spells available to wiz's.

    Keep in mind, I am NOT looking for a Tucaw build, I hate playing warforged. Also, I feel like playing a traditionally pnp gish type char, not a super solo beast. THIS IS FOR FUN.

    My current build consideration is a human or elf 12 wiz/6 fighter/2 rogue.
    With 16 int and human, or 18 int elf I can max out search/disable/openlock, just to be useful. That however, is NOT something I particularly care about, I'd be more than happy to dump those skills into move silently/concentration/anything.

    My stat ideas are (Human/Elf):
    STR 16/15 (+5 via levelling)
    DEX 14/14
    CON 14/14
    INT 16/16
    WIS 8/8
    CHA 8/8

    This character will more than likely wield a quarterstaff. Quarterstaves can be found with both +spell enchantments and +melee enchantments, so I will want to focus on this type of character. It's a shame that until GS weaponry in DDO you can't get +spell enchantments on weapons other than daggers/scepters/staves but I'm not building a build around GS weapons.

    For me the Pros and Cons of the races are
    Human + Feat
    Human + Skill
    Human + INT or STR enhancement
    Elf + Arcane Fluidity
    Elf + SP Enhancements
    Elf + DEX enhancement
    Elf - worse stats (because CON is a MUST)
    Elf + Roleplay (Traditionally gish type chars in pnp are usually elves) [And yes, I care about roleplay. Not that I roleplay, but if I'm building a pnp char I care about it's origins]

    As you can see, I'm heavily leaning towards Human. If I was going a TWF build I'd go drow and shortswords, but meh.

    Skills, as mentioned above, would be:
    Maxed Search, Disable Device, Open Lock.

    Spells will be self buffs and electricity/acid spells. I will have divine power clickies but I'm not going to bother carrying a ****ton of them, so I'll likely just use tenser's transformation when I want to burn my last SP and jump into melee. I can extend it for 2m 24s or so. Spells like Shocking Grasp, (Acid ver) Burning Hands, Chain Lightning (if they ever fix it) will be my offensive spells. Obviously I will avoid using spells with saves, but those with reflex for half etc are ok-ish. I will have a decent int, nothing special, and obviously TR'd from wizard helps.

    I will be kensai, and as we have no details about wizard prestige's I will reserver judgement. (Obviously pale master does not work in this build.)

    Feats, however, I'm having a problem with. Perhaps this forum can help me out. I get 4 from fighter, 2 from wizard, 1 from being human (probably) and 7 from levels. (14 total)
    Some I am thinking about are:
    Mental Toughness
    Extend Spell
    Maximise Spell (I personally do not like Empower so much)
    Weapon Focus Quarterstaff (Bludgeoning)
    Weapon Specialisation Quarterstaff (Bludgeoning)
    Power Attack
    Improved Sunder ?
    Improved Trip ?
    Stunning Blow ?
    Wizard Past life

    Thanks for any/all help/criticism I recieve.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Created it at level 4 with 1 rogue / 3 wiz and am having a hilariously fun time. Cleave / imp sunder / trip / shocking grasp on my melee bar, with the potency 2 quarterstaff starter item, and a ranged bar with electric loop / acid arrow / infinite wand of fire touch.

  3. #3
    Community Member JeffreyGator's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    I play something similar to this but rgr instead of fighter.

    As an elf I have these feats:
    toughness 1
    TWF (rgr), Bowstr (rgr) rapid shot (rgr)
    extend, maximize (wizard) empower
    sorcerer pastlife (3)
    PB shot, wpn focus rnged, improved crit ranged (9,6,12)
    ITWF (15)

    arcane archer as well as a lot of twf

    I haven't played much with the trip and sunder things so I hope that those work out for you.

    Frequently you may not need DP - I should probably use my clickies a bit more but there's a lot that isn't that hard to hit with a high enough str and hero/GH always, haste always etc.

    The deficiency I have is limited healing through wands.

    I have maxed search, disable, umd and concentration. extra points have gone into open lock and some spot when taking ranger levels.
    But I'll have a 32 int but lower str than you at 20 so I got more skills.

    I don't know that I'd take mental toughness - you should have enough sps without it.
    Last edited by JeffreyGator; 06-17-2010 at 07:01 PM.

    And a variety of other multiclassed toons without vowels thnk/r/s/rbll/sgmp

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