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  1. #1
    Community Member beatles42o's Avatar
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    Apr 2010

    Smile wiz/rog or wiz/rng(magic arrows) or wiz/ftr(ranged)

    so. i want to start a wizard for the trap monkey with high int. and the ability too cast offensive spells. also, would having 6-8 STR make a caster weak at all? does STR count for your magic damage?

    would i be able to max out DEX/INT/CON and have a good wizard/ranger maybe arcane archer and wizard. would having 6-8 STR lower my damage when attacking with a bow?

    and last but not least. would i be able to make a kensai ranged build and use magic arrows with that for extra feats?

  2. #2
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    STR does not affect your magic, however it's a bad idea to make STR a dump stat on any character, even casters, IMHO. Partly because you can be Ray of Enfeebled into uselessness; partly because it's helpful to be able to whip out a melee weapon to take out the trash (mobs), esp. at lower levels when you don't have a lot of SPs. In fact a common tactic for low-lvl wizards & sorcerers is to whip out a 2H weapon, cast Master's Touch and maybe Bull's STR, and pound on mobs; starting with decent base STR just makes that even easier.

    Even if you go for archery instead, if you have the Bow STR feat, which rangers get for free at lvl 1, it adds your STR bonus to damage with shortbows & longbows. Since every good AA should have Bow STR, IMHO, it's a bad idea to dump-stat STR.

    It is possible to combine Kensai with AA. There are some fighter 18 / (rogue or ranger) 1 / (wizard or bard or sorcerer) 1 builds out there. AFAICT, the biggest issue with such builds is low SPs; since you need mana to power your imbues, you have to make sure your build has enough.

  3. #3
    Community Member beatles42o's Avatar
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    soooo. how would i go about making an archer that uses magic arrows? i dont know what your INT should be too cast those arrows and all of that.
    Dont Worry
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  4. #4
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Are you talking about the arcane spell Flame Arrow? Or the arrows which AAs conjure? Or something else?

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Archery is only useful as a means of using stat damagers/special effects (paralyzation, banishing, disrupting, etc) on the type of character you're describing. It sounds like you're relatively new so I'd recommend a purchase and get Warforged as it's easily the most forgiving wizard class (you can heal yourself). You'll take rogue at level 1 with the stats of 14str, 16con, 18int and no points in the others. If you have 32-point builds you could make arguments as to which stats to bump after that but I'd probably take an 18con.

    For feats, I'd take Toughness at level 1, Extend at level 2 (wizard level 1), and either Maximize or Empower at level 3. For spells, make sure that you take acid spray and master's touch at wizard level 1 as they can't be purchased in shops. Get a big axe, use extended master's touch, and go to town until you get firewall at character level 8 (wizard level 7). At your wizard levels max out Concentration, Search, Disable Device, and as much as you can fit into UMD. If you get the tomes you can max UMD and later even get some into Open Locks if you want. You'll take your second (and last) rogue level at character level 9 and take the feat Insightful Reflexes to give you a very nice reflex save. I could flesh it out more but there are already builds in the wizard section for this.

    Back on the archery, you could still shoot ANY type of bow/crossbow other than the repeaters using this build (thanks to Master's Touch) and you might decide to do that from time to time. I haven't but I do solo quite a bit and if I'm looking to save sp's in a group I typically break out an axe still (even at level 11). Vorpals work great even on a nearly pure wizard as long as you have a decent starting strength and use divine power clickies.

  6. #6
    Community Member JeffreyGator's Avatar
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    First if you want to be a trapmonkey you'll probably want 2 or more rog levels.

    Typically levels 1 and 9 are taken as rog by a 18wiz/2 rog.

    If you want to have magic arrows you either need to be an elf, have 6 or more levels of ranger or use the flame arrow spell. Even with magic extras, without bow str and rapid shot ranged combat will be slow and lacking.

    The elf 18 wiz/2 rog might be your best choice there.

    I have 34 point reincarnated sorc that is doing this 12 wiz/2 rgr/2 rog. That toon started with a 16 str and has used +2 tomes in every stat except cha and is moderately well equipped.

    And a variety of other multiclassed toons without vowels thnk/r/s/rbll/sgmp

  7. #7
    Community Member Balrogskin's Avatar
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    IMO Wizards make the best rogues. An 18/2 wiz/rog split is perfect. The intel is the main stat of the wizard and it also boosts the disable and search skills from the rogue class. Spot is wisdom based but that is overcome by learning where the traps are Dex is the tough one for open lock but a cats grace and some heroism with possibly competence (if bard in group) makes it not so bad either (with +5 tools of course). Or you could just use your knock spell and forget about the dex for open lock ) A warforged Wizard 18 / Rogue 2 is an awesome caster/trap monkey. Just my 2 cents.

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