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  1. #1
    Community Member beatles42o's Avatar
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    Apr 2010

    Default WIZ/RNG or WIZ/ROG or WIZ/FTR. know nothing of wizards

    so. i have noticed that wizards are pretty bad ass in this game. i was looking at there spell arrows and all of that. i really like rangers and using the bow as an elf. i was wondering. would being a wizard and a ranger to use elemental arrows be effective at later levels?

    i was also wondering since rogues use INT as there main skill for being a trap monkey. would i be able to keep a low strength and be a wizard/rogue and use elemental magic for combat and being a trap monkey? so. i just thought of this as writing this. can wizards get sneak attacks with there spells or would they need to use a weapon? maybe 12/8 wiz/rog

    also, would i be able to be a 12/8 wiz/ftr and use the fighter ability's for ranged/magic arrows instead of ranger and taking kensaiI in ranged.

    last but not least, if i multi classed wizard with a non combat class. would it be fine to have 6-8 strength. i dont want too suffer STR attack damage with weapons. i want a low strength so that i can keep my INT/DEX/CON high...

    any build ideas. i would mainly be wanting too use elemental damage and rogue or ranged player. also. does strength matter when dealing ranged damage?

    sorry for being such a noob. ive never played anything besides rangers rogues and a little bit of fighter

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009

    Default hope this helps

    Wizards are one of the most versatile casters in the game, hands down. As for your question on rogue/wizards, they do not get sneak attack damage with spells. They do make amazing trap monkeys, but if you take more than 3 levels of rogue you lose your lvl 9 spells, which are amazing at endgame. I recommend 18 wizzy/ 2 rogue. take first lvl of rogue at first lvl, and second lvl at ninth lvl. that way you get to max out skills from lvl one, and you get evasion right after you get firewall.
    as for the wizzy/fighter and wizzy/ranger build i can't offer much advice since i have not lvled them or seen them played during the lvling process of any of my toons. My best advice is to play with character builder, look around the forums, and if all else fails, create one and see if you like it. it is after all your character to play and enjoy. do what you feel is fun.

    hope this helps

  3. #3
    Community Member beatles42o's Avatar
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    Apr 2010


    i dont understand the character builder. i can pick what classes/races i want but after that i cant get it to do anything more.

    also. wizards have these wonderful AA spells for arrows. there not ranger feats/spells so im guessing maybe an AA/wizard? dont know. i guess i will have too spend a couple days on it...12/6/2 wiz/ranger/rogue?
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  4. #4
    Community Member JeffreyGator's Avatar
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    Default AA Wizard?

    You only get AA spells as a wizard if you are an elf.

    To get these you need to be an elf an take WF: ranged and Pointblank shot.

    You will also want rapid shot (which you get for free if you take 2 levels of ranger)

    This + toughness uses 4/7 feats + 4 metamagics from wizard so you should be more than fine.

    The easiest approach for an arcane archer wiz trapsmith id the above mentioned 18/2 wiz/rog
    10-16-12-18-8-8 for a 32 point build.

    For the wiz-rgr-rog that you're suggesting you probably do want some str and will likely melee as much or more than you ranged and will also want to be an elf.
    For that I went 16-16-12-16-8-8

    Arcane archer for me is huge convenience factor in being an archer. You are always shooting great arrows without inventory management.

    Any archer though could optimize arrow selection and shoot +5 acid arrows out of a silver longbow or perhaps slayer arrows and approach AA damage but you are spending money and time to arrange that. An AA does that with two clicks.

    And a variety of other multiclassed toons without vowels thnk/r/s/rbll/sgmp

  5. #5
    Community Member beatles42o's Avatar
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    Apr 2010


    well right now im only 28 point build. i was thinking something like 12/6/2 wiz/fighter(or ranger)rog

    i was looking at the stats. it would probably take a few rerolls. how effective is the find secret room? does that also find trap boxes?

    i think it would be fun. taking mental toughness i think.
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  6. #6
    Community Member GhoulsTouch's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    12 ranger 6 sorcerer 2 paladin might be a good combo

  7. #7
    Community Member beatles42o's Avatar
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    Apr 2010


    i dont think sorcerers can cast spell arrows.
    Dont Worry
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