so. i have noticed that wizards are pretty bad ass in this game. i was looking at there spell arrows and all of that. i really like rangers and using the bow as an elf. i was wondering. would being a wizard and a ranger to use elemental arrows be effective at later levels?
i was also wondering since rogues use INT as there main skill for being a trap monkey. would i be able to keep a low strength and be a wizard/rogue and use elemental magic for combat and being a trap monkey? so. i just thought of this as writing this. can wizards get sneak attacks with there spells or would they need to use a weapon? maybe 12/8 wiz/rog
also, would i be able to be a 12/8 wiz/ftr and use the fighter ability's for ranged/magic arrows instead of ranger and taking kensaiI in ranged.
last but not least, if i multi classed wizard with a non combat class. would it be fine to have 6-8 strength. i dont want too suffer STR attack damage with weapons. i want a low strength so that i can keep my INT/DEX/CON high...
any build ideas. i would mainly be wanting too use elemental damage and rogue or ranged player. also. does strength matter when dealing ranged damage?
sorry for being such a noob. ive never played anything besides rangers rogues and a little bit of fighter