Made a video of some of the summons in action. It's rendering right now on my mac, and it will take me forever to upload it on my dsl connection :/ It will be up later today.
Made a video of some of the summons in action. It's rendering right now on my mac, and it will take me forever to upload it on my dsl connection :/ It will be up later today.
Anyone able to test the Epic Wolf Whistle's summoned Epic Thrakk Hound with this new buff, plus the standard suite?
I'd like to see how much damage it can do to Arraetrikos in one pass.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
One further thought/question - how did the summons fare when they weren't buffed to the gills?
Did you notice a difference when they were/weren't buffed?
Did the stat buffs such as Bull's and Cat's have a noticeable effect, or does the +4 to stats from Augment Summoning pretty much already incorporate that?
Really curious about this.
Does augument summoning work on dominated mobs?
I buffed all the summons with bulls, bears, cats unless otherwise stated. I wanted to see how they would do on their own while buffed (assuming that in a party, it would get buffed with those spells) All in all, they did pretty well. I tried to take the summons to places within their lvl range (my best guess).
Fully buffed with bulls, bears, cats, GH, bard buffs, Recitation, Haste, blur, displace, and monk buffs some of the higher tier summons would wreak havoc.
I don't have a wolf whistle, so I wouldn't be able to summon the hound. But now I am itching to get one :P
Kolbathin, yes the augment summon buff works on charmed/dominated mobs. They also lose the buff when they break free (they keep any other buffs you gave them)
I would love to see how much the cat can do in the hound over a couple minutes. If you dont mind posting pics at like 1 minute and 2 minutes of the cat solo. Healing it is fine or could have someone tank it so no dmg is taken as long as he doesn't have working guards. He saved a Hound a couple weeks back for us which was funny so just curious.
EDIT: Also wouldnt mind seeing if the charm on the dogs in Hound are timed or a will save. Always here different opinions and usually followed with a long winded argument :/
Last edited by pasterqb; 06-21-2010 at 04:54 PM.
Does this feat apply when you use the items to charm in the hound?
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
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I tested the charms with spells, summon scrolls, and charm scrolls. Each time the buff applied. This would lead me to believe that it would apply with the hounds.
Since this applies to charmed mobs wouldn't this make it easier for them to break free of your charm?
Ok, finally uploaded to YouTube. You have to watch it in HD(720p) or else your not really going to be able to tell whats going on. It's only 7 and a half minutes, and has cheesy music. You have been warned.
*edit* as far as charms breaking, well, they have buffed stats, so yes it will effect saves/breaks.
I totally spelled Bezekira wrong in the video, but you know what? I don't care
Last edited by Wurmwood; 06-21-2010 at 06:55 PM.
Last edited by sirdanile; 06-21-2010 at 07:08 PM.
The bird of Hermes is my name, Eating my wings to keep me tame.
Toons: Diclonius, Sempresno, Slitmuno, Slitmdos, Slitmtres, Skyfe, Calcatrix, Marcosias, Sumona, Tarokian, Etc.
Yeah im working on getting other summons. will take a day or so. I suck at making videos
Cool, good to know, thanks Wurm.
Makes a Spellsinger Bard with Augment Summon and a nice fighter hireling sound like a very viable combo!
Stat-buffed, hasted, blurred, and bard song buffed hireling let loose, with the spellsinger being able to CC / charm / dominate to add further allies.... interesting.
Could even work well with a divine caster who plays heal-bot for the hireling.
Plenty of soloing possibilities now it sounds like.
Keep in mind that hirelings get a combat buff in that patch even without Augment Summoning trained.
Well I'm not yet convinced that there is a great difference in summons capability due to augmented stats. I took Herzou out to vale and buffed him with displacement, haste, GH, and stoneskin and he seemed to do fine on live server. I didn't even give him bear/bull/cats. He was easily able to kill spiders etc. I do think that the increased Fortification would be the greatest help since we don't really know how many extra HP are gained from feat.
Hirelings already recieved buff in U5, so any increased performance may just be from hireling buff and not the feat. Feat does seem to have some limited uses though.
I think we need to do some testing with a full group and Elite quest content. See how the summon's to hit and damage stand up in a non-scaled down situation.
Is the feat affecting hirelngs and charms WAI? If so, it will be a popular feat for soloers etc.
Aerak the Bulwark-Awryn Shadowblade-Aerrik Lightbringer
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