Tried this with the Defender Enhancement, Pale Master summons, and Casting summons.
Feat worked with all of them. I was most surprised at how sturdy the Adamantine defender was after augmenting. Took him to vale and although he wasnt really doing that much damage, he could take some hits. Frostmarrow Knight seemed to do pretty good too. His freezing attack went off a couple of times.
This also worked with the summon undead spell, but still, this spell sucks. Want to summon a mummy? Good for you, hes only CR 5 though... Broke control about 5 seconds after I summoned him. The spell is still useless. Defender killed him.
I am going to try this and see if it worksout on controlling spells, since the monster is now under your control. Oozes are next. Anyone have ooze summon armor? I want to see if it ups the stats on him too. There are also the Holiday shrieking defenders clickies, I want to see if it effects those too. Can we have them as a regular pet please?