Actually we figured out the Hp of the pale master summons with heal, they are posted here on the lamannia forums somewhere. It was the HP with Augment Summoning, should in Daehawk's Pale Master thread.
Normal summons I've had a little difficulty targeting in pvp, but pale master summons I did not, kinda odd if you ask me.
EDIT: Ok, unfortunately at this time I do not have numbers for non-augmented, but here are the hit points for augmented pale master minions.
Skeleton Swordsman CR3: 126
Skeletal Knight CR6: 203
Skeleton Archer CR6: 106
Skeleton Mage CR6: 103
Blackbone Knight CR12: 465
Blackbone Archer CR12: 206
Blackbone Mage CR12: 162
Frostmarrow Knight CR18: 840
Frostmarrow Archer CR18: 415
Frostmarrow Mage CR18: 311
Nice work on the hitpoint chart. I am goig to try and get video of hirelings/summons in vale/shav. Shav is kind of hard though, much more "party" oriented. But we will see haha. If anyone else wants to chip in that would be awesome. I dont have an lamma characters with the Drow scorp summon, or a ranger with his summons. I also wanted to see if I get get a party of palemasters lol, can you imagine? a full party each with a Bezukira, Frostmarrow Knight/Archer/Mage? Throw up one firewall, and let them have at it.
Sorry for the necro, but my Arti's dog seems not to be receiving the 50% fort from Augment Summoning. Known issue? I have screenies if needed. Not bug reported yet.
Originally Posted by Towrn
Your Iron Defender should be receiving the 50% fort. Unfortunately, the pet character sheet is acting up regarding displaying fortification. I was able to see the Fort bonus when I had both augment summoning and armor with a light fort bonus equipped to my pet. However, if I just had augment summoning OR the armor, the character sheet did not display the fort bonus. We know about the Pet character sheet display issue. However, if this does not cover what you are running into, feel free to send me a PM with more details!
Ill come back and confirm if and when i equip a fort item on him, but yes as of right now that describes my prob. while i have yer ear, the pet sheet isnt displayong stat breakdown mouseovers either.
thanx for yer time.
good to kno he is getting hs fort though:-)
Originally Posted by Towrn
As far as I know the pet sheet has never listed the stats' breakdowns when you mouse over them.
nor does it show AC miss % like it does on your own character sheet. though you can make a rough estimate of the dog's chances by comparing his AC # to your AC #. though on my artie, the dog's number is way, way higher
Now for 3 druid lives for +10 with aug summon . I only have 1 druid PL but with arti aug summon will be +6, not too shabby.
On my PM I never really messed with summons except for the Magister one for a bit, however, I have TRd him and thinking of making sure to get the mummy summon, I've seen that thing fear every room in Cabal practically, pretty sweet CC. Anyone else use the mummy?
Don't forget the "Grand Summoner" Enhancement in Magister
Thats a total of +14 to all stats, hopefully at least a total of 100% fort (I know Aug Summon is 50% so its likely gran summon is as well), lots and extra HPs (both the feat and the epic enh seem to act like the affected tagets gain an extra toughness feat) and increased Movement speed (IMO this is a huge deal since unbuffed hirelings,companions etc. always fall behind)Originally Posted by DDOWiki
Mix this all into a Palemaster with a hireling (my personal fav being a cleric with DVs), PM summon and a regular summon and you have a pretty effective solo setup. Mind you the PM "Summons" really should be made into companions a-la Druid and Arty.
Sidenote: I really wish Archmage had of taken a different forms the SLAs are only mildly useful and the DC bonuses are worth not being a Palemaster...I wish each specialization had some well special...for a example related to the Topic if you had Conjuaration spec any of your summons would have their CR boosted to match your wizard level (aka your summons become "heightened"
IOW you could still used your celestial dog at Lvl 20 if you wanted to than it would come down to which special ability is most effective for this situation and not which summon happens to have the highest CR. I'd would have also like to have seen reduced casting time, reduced cooldown and even the ability to summon more than one...or maybe a percentage chance to summon more than one or something.
Last edited by Failedlegend; 01-15-2013 at 12:10 PM.
Originally Posted by Cordovan
psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm
So we can confirm the past life: Druid feat stacks with Augment? That gives me reason to run Druid 3 times just for the boosts....
During my arty life and when going through the magister ed, the grand summoner only worked on summons. Not permanent pets like the wolf or defender. kind of a bummer actually. +14 to all stats would make a nasty pet.
Breaks out the +6 disrupting quarter staff of greater thread bane!