Last night I decided to do a solo Orchard run -- "solo" as in "with cleric 8 hireling", as it is near-impossible for a Ranger 10 otherwise.
I've gotten pretty good at slaying Firenze, so that's where we head first. No Firenze, at either first or second spawn location. Sigh. I had not yet seen Eastern Falls, or Otvos Gisun who spawns there, so we continue east. Through a mountain pass and an Undying Centurion who guards it (what IS armor class of these bastards?), on to eastern shrine, and continue east. We get jumped by several golem escorts and a vampire. I manage to beat them off, but my cleric is dead. I could take soulstone back to the shrine, but we both are just about out of mana, so I recall, wait for SP to regenerate, and re-enter. Summon full-mana hireling, and we head east again. About same place, we get attacked by SEVERAL vampires, and a burned sacrifice (not sure if that's what it is called -- black, burned-looking, and turns into specter when killed). We both die.
Regenerate at Orchard tavern, and 1500-2000 gp spent on repairs. Forget about Eastern Falls, head west for more familiar territory. Zombie Train had spawned; I already took on it once with just that same hireling, so I think I know what I am doing. Fire/Acid/Cold/Lightning protection on both of us, other buffs, and we attack. What I forgot is, last time I had a quiverful of Human Slaying arrows. Big mistake.
At first, not obviously big mistake. Took care of first set of guards without much trouble. Took more arrows to bring down golem escorts and zombie shepherds, of course, but tolerable. Got hit with Hold Person couple times, but cleric kept mobs off me. And I kill greater hell hounds with one TWF strike -- awesome! As I demolish first wagon, I idly wonder why I saw no harbinger corpses. Because they are not part of first set, that's why!
Wagon 1 collapses, and second set of guards appears, this time with those super-zombies. Again, I target escorts and shepherds, again I get hit with Hold Person... and my hire is way too busy being mobbed to help me. Death #2.
Regenerate, pay another 1500-2000 gp, return to Orchard, summon hireling. Make certain all possible buffs are on both of us, mop up what's left of second set, beat up on Wagon 2. Just before it collapse, make sure AGAIN every possible buff is on. Manage to destroy third set of guards, but my hire is dead. Recall, re-enter, restore all buffs... one thing I cannot restore is my Remove Paralysis clickie which is tapped out.
Smash Wagon 3, engage fourth set of guards. No Remove Paralysis, so when I inevitably get hit with Hold Person, all I can do is rely on the cleric. Cleric dies. I am under 20 hp, I run. Heal myself back to 70-80 hp -- ought to handle two golem escorts and two hell hounds who pursue me. TWF, another hell hound is dead in one strike... not sure what exactly happened, but death #3.
Regenerate, pay another 1500-2000 gp, return to Orchard. Hireling time has run out. Too stubborn to give up, I figure I can take on the remnants of the fourth set alone, and I am right. Chest open.
In the end, I came out ahead. Vuthesjing's gem alone about paid for all the repairs and the cost of hireling, and I got a Greater Cold Resistance cloak and another tap shred. Still, that was more work than ever yet for one chest!