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  1. #1
    Community Member Internetisrsbsn's Avatar
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    Default Wizard/Rogue Build Help

    I really want to make a Wizard/Rogue because it just seems like it would be fun to play. I already plan on starting out as rogue to get more skill points and maxxing out my intelligence. Would that be necessary?

    The reason I don't want to go pure rogue is because I don't want to do nothing but disable traps. I realize that I could build a rogue to do good melee dps but I already have a melee guy and I never got a spellcaster over level 5.

    So would this build work?

    Drow Elf

    Strength: 14
    Dexterity: 14
    Constitution: 12
    Wisdom: 8
    Intelligence: 18
    Charisma: 10

    Feat: Toughness (I don't want to be a burden on the healer)

    Max: Tumble, Balance, UMD, DD, OL, Concentration, Spot, Listen, Repair, Search, Move Silently, Hide

    P.S: Rise of Chaos, don't bother posting on this thread. I don't need your flaming of me asking for advice. Kthx
    If you ever get stuck in the hay, you should an hero.

  2. #2
    Community Member lazyninja81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Internetisrsbsn View Post
    I really want to make a Wizard/Rogue because it just seems like it would be fun to play. I already plan on starting out as rogue to get more skill points and maxxing out my intelligence. Would that be necessary?

    The reason I don't want to go pure rogue is because I don't want to do nothing but disable traps. I realize that I could build a rogue to do good melee dps but I already have a melee guy and I never got a spellcaster over level 5.

    So would this build work?

    Drow Elf

    Strength: 14
    Dexterity: 14
    Constitution: 12
    Wisdom: 8
    Intelligence: 18
    Charisma: 10

    Feat: Toughness (I don't want to be a burden on the healer)

    Max: Tumble, Balance, UMD, DD, OL, Concentration, Spot, Listen, Repair, Search, Move Silently, Hide

    P.S: Rise of Chaos, don't bother posting on this thread. I don't need your flaming of me asking for advice. Kthx
    I'd recommend going with 14 Con (or even 16, casters are squishy) and 12 or 10 Str instead. Can always cast Bulls Str and Master's Touch at early levels for meleeing trash mobs. Also, as a feat take insightful reflexes (adds Int modifier to reflex save) if you are planning to take 2 rog levels for evasion. I highly recommend toughness. You might also consider going WF instead of drow for the awesome self-healing. Yes, you'll have a slightly lower DC at cap but the road there will be so much easier.

    Don't worry too much about putting skill points into hide, you can just cast invisibility if you want to sneak around. Not sure how useful points into repair would be. If you go drow I wouldn't bother. Same with Listen. At creation you'll have tons of points but after that focus on maxing Concentration, Search, DD and UMD. If you still have extra points, go put some into balance.

    Also, pick up a couple metamagic feats. Extend is useful early on. Maximize and Empower are nice for firewall.

    Take your second rogue level after you get the Firewall spell (level 8). You can take the insightful reflex feat around this time too to take full advantage of evasion.

    Looks like you're on the right track over all. Enjoy!

  3. #3
    Community Member gwlech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Internetisrsbsn View Post
    I really want to make a Wizard/Rogue because it just seems like it would be fun to play. I already plan on starting out as rogue to get more skill points and maxxing out my intelligence. Would that be necessary?

    The reason I don't want to go pure rogue is because I don't want to do nothing but disable traps. I realize that I could build a rogue to do good melee dps but I already have a melee guy and I never got a spellcaster over level 5.

    So would this build work?

    Drow Elf

    Strength: 14
    Dexterity: 14
    Constitution: 12
    Wisdom: 8
    Intelligence: 18
    Charisma: 10

    Feat: Toughness (I don't want to be a burden on the healer)

    Max: Tumble, Balance, UMD, DD, OL, Concentration, Spot, Listen, Repair, Search, Move Silently, Hide

    P.S: Rise of Chaos, don't bother posting on this thread. I don't need your flaming of me asking for advice. Kthx
    Dump Dex, its going to be worthless for you. put those points into con for more hps. Take rogue at lvl 1 and 9. Take Insightful reflexes at level 9. Max out Disable Device, Search, Concentration, and eventually UMD as you get more skill points from base int increases. Left over points at level 9 can be used to enhance Open Lock even further.
    Saedreth Saedric Saedrath Seadret Seadrack Saedrak Seadraji Saedrus

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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Internetisrsbsn View Post
    I really want to make a Wizard/Rogue because it just seems like it would be fun to play. I already plan on starting out as rogue to get more skill points and maxxing out my intelligence. Would that be necessary?

    The reason I don't want to go pure rogue is because I don't want to do nothing but disable traps. I realize that I could build a rogue to do good melee dps but I already have a melee guy and I never got a spellcaster over level 5.

    So would this build work?

    Drow Elf

    Strength: 14
    Dexterity: 14
    Constitution: 12
    Wisdom: 8
    Intelligence: 18
    Charisma: 10

    Feat: Toughness (I don't want to be a burden on the healer)

    Max: Tumble, Balance, UMD, DD, OL, Concentration, Spot, Listen, Repair, Search, Move Silently, Hide

    P.S: Rise of Chaos, don't bother posting on this thread. I don't need your flaming of me asking for advice. Kthx
    If you know you're going to primarily be a caster take advantage of the Drow and hit 20INT. Try not to get outside your element... even though you got some Rogue skills you will not be secondary DPS, embrace your role as Arcane DPS. I'd go 10/10/14/20/8/10, if you have to swing at least you won't have a -1 to your hit/damage. Max DC for your spells, Max SP for your spells, Cost effective (and Max considering INT) CON for you life.

    Coffee is for closers.

  5. #5
    Community Member gwlech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doganpc View Post
    If you know you're going to primarily be a caster take advantage of the Drow and hit 20INT. Try not to get outside your element... even though you got some Rogue skills you will not be secondary DPS, embrace your role as Arcane DPS. I'd go 10/10/14/20/8/10, if you have to swing at least you won't have a -1 to your hit/damage. Max DC for your spells, Max SP for your spells, Cost effective (and Max considering INT) CON for you life.

    Coffee is for closers.
    Better to take advantage of the tools you have as a wiz rogue by upping str. Rogue haste boost, Masters Touch, Bulls Strength. At low levels you can do these things and wade in and compete with the melees. This also helps for if you run out of spell points, at least you wont be a complete pileon that stands around and whips an eternal acid wand.

    Even at higher level, you can melee with gear, when it is situationally appropriate. but everyone needs that to be effective, so wheres the actual real set-back?

    You don't need dex, because you dont need to max your open lock skill to open locks. Reflex save is based off of the int modifier, so that is another reason why its wasted build points. Granted on an elf, you are stuck with 10 dex. Some charisma to increase your UMD is nice, but you actually wont need any to get a no-fail heal scroll off later on.

    Better to go warforged or human, with warforged being more optimal. Human you get many more useful bonuses that +2 dex or +2 int, and the general all-purpose uber human versatility clicky for whatever you need to boost.
    Saedreth Saedric Saedrath Seadret Seadrack Saedrak Seadraji Saedrus

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  6. #6
    Community Member ArichValtrahn's Avatar
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    Lower STR, dump dex and raise INT/CON.

    Not a good build if you intend to melee either way.

  7. #7
    Community Member gwlech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArichValtrahn View Post
    Lower STR, dump dex and raise INT/CON.

    Not a good build if you intend to melee either way.
    I don't advocate str because its a preferred method, and it wont come near to what a real dps build can do later on. It just makes melee a second option when the situation is appropriate, and protects against getting str drained to 0 as well as increases carrying capacity. Nothing like seeing a low hp drow wiz/rogue run out of sps and die or just stand around because he cant fight his way out of a paper bag to save his life.
    Last edited by gwlech; 06-16-2010 at 01:22 PM.
    Saedreth Saedric Saedrath Seadret Seadrack Saedrak Seadraji Saedrus

    Member of The Madborn - Thelanis
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  8. #8
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    When update 5 hits, you could make a decent repeating crossbow rog/wiz.

    The mechanic enhancement allows you to add your INT mod to damage for crossbows, so there is good synergy there.

    3 possible splits for this build is A) 13/7 rog/wis or B) 11/7/2 wiz/rog/fighter or C) 13wiz/7 rog.

    STR 10 (crossbows and spells don't need it too much)
    DEX 18 (X-bows accuracy and reflex save for evasion)
    CON 12
    INT 18 (level up points here)
    WIS 8
    CHA 10

    For build A) 1)Rapid Reload 3)PBS 6)Rapid Shot 9) Toughness 12) Improved Crit: ranged 15) Precise Shot 18) Improved Precise Shot For the 2 free metamagic feats from wizard class go Maximize and Empower for a nice firewall when mobs inevitably run towards you.

    For build B) same as A) but you can add Extend with your additional Wiz metamagic feat, and can add weapon finesse and take heavy repeaters with the +2 fighter feats.

    For the build C) I would start with 20 INT and lower DEX to 16 and STR to 8, since he is more about casting.

    1) Rapid Reload 3) PBS 6) Rapid Shot 9) toughness 12) precise shot 15) Improved Critical: Ranged 18) heighten spell

    For the 3 free metamagic, extend+maximize+empower

    This build can use CC spells pretty well with the high intelligence and heighten enhancements. Hypnotize the enemies, then pick one and gun em' down. Firewall max+empowered is nice to. Truly awesome trap monkey, with some cool DPS, buffs, CC, and debuffing (with right repeaters).

    No uberness here, but some fun to play interesting builds for a rog/wiz that uses repeater.

  9. #9
    Community Member Internetisrsbsn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gwlech View Post
    I don't advocate str because its a preferred method, and it wont come near to what a real dps build can do later on. It just makes melee a second option when the situation is appropriate, and protects against getting str drained to 0 as well as increases carrying capacity. Nothing like seeing a low hp drow wiz/rogue run out of sps and die or just stand around because he cant fight his way out of a paper bag to save his life.
    So how much strength do I need?
    If you ever get stuck in the hay, you should an hero.

  10. #10
    Community Member Nevthial's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Internetisrsbsn View Post
    The reason I don't want to go pure rogue is because I don't want to do nothing but disable traps. I realize that I could build a rogue to do good melee dps but I already have a melee guy and I never got a spellcaster over level 5.

    So would this build work?

    Drow Elf

    Strength: 14
    Dexterity: 14
    Constitution: 12
    Wisdom: 8
    Intelligence: 18
    Charisma: 10
    Str: 10
    Dex: 10
    Con: 14 or 16
    Int: 20 ( or don't go Drow )
    Wis: 10
    Cha: 10 or 12

    Toughness, Rogue level 2 at 9th or 12th , Insightful Reflexes, Maximize , Empower, Extend , Quicken, Enlarge if you like it....
    Calamitous Intent***The Broken
    Quote Originally Posted by tchurvul View Post
    ...I even took his robe as a trophy. It's so comfortable..and it reminds me of the sweet sweet taste of victory. All who oppose me meet such a fate, so let it be a lesson to you.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doganpc View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Nevthial View Post
    Str: 10
    Dex: 10
    Con: 14 or 16
    Int: 20 ( or don't go Drow )
    Wis: 10
    Cha: 10 or 12

    Toughness, Rogue level 2 at 9th or 12th , Insightful Reflexes, Maximize , Empower, Extend , Quicken, Enlarge if you like it....
    I don't know what i'm talking about?

  12. #12
    Community Member Nevthial's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doganpc View Post
    I don't know what i'm talking about?
    Actually, I was blinded over by the posts telling him to raise his Str and read no further !
    Calamitous Intent***The Broken
    Quote Originally Posted by tchurvul View Post
    ...I even took his robe as a trophy. It's so comfortable..and it reminds me of the sweet sweet taste of victory. All who oppose me meet such a fate, so let it be a lesson to you.

  13. #13
    Community Member TasMagar's Avatar
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    My WF rog/wiz dumped dex , wis and cha . Maxed con and int . rest into str.

    1) Max con and int and fill the rest in str . if not any poitns left it's ok .
    2) masters touch and bulls str for the lower lvls up to 4 maybe 5.

    trust me . all will be good.

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