There are a number of us creative artistic and builder types out here that have to go to other places online to upload and build our creations. Some of us have built reputations for our creativity and artistic textures. My suggestion is simple: a place for us that are not destructives but creatives. We may not be many but the numbers of us are out here and the places onlne for creatives that have content that is mostly made by the people in those places show that we are out here. If guidelines were made for what would work in the game we could make this a very rich enviroment and this includes shops for everything just as real world does. There is room for builders as well as other creative activities from clothing to boxes to castles. Table top when characters got to Lord or lady level rank they could build, but why not make it possbile for those of us who are existing and known creatives in other places enrich the environment by adding things tht are not laid out by someone in a company. So if you create or build, post that you do and maybe we can make this a much richer play environment. I build structures and make textues though most of my textures awre far richer in detail then most games i could make some that wold fit seamlessly inside of DDO. I have avoided naming where we do build but those who create know where many do make things from fantasy to ultimate sci fi.