Please create a way for us to recover the components of the Greensteel items we have made. Blanks, Shards of Power, small medium and large ingredients.
In any MMO things change, we can accept this. But it would make it much easier to accept, or at least less painful for many, to be able to recover bits from the items we make to play by the rules of the game as we are aware of them.
I am more aware of the Dev rulings on various subjects then many members of my Guild, as I do check the Dev Trackers regularly. I suspect most of the regular forum users are some of the go to folks in thier Guilds. There is however a rather large community in DDO that never, or rarely checks the forums.
The community that simply plays and avoids forum useage may never be aware that certain things are not supposed to stack, but do. They may see evidience that it works on youtube, or from a rumor, or a guildy. Go use one of the player created tools that someone lets 'em know about to design thier Greensteel items. And then a few months down the road the items stop stacking ( concordant opposition ), or stop working the same way ( no multiple summons ).
A Dual Shard T3 Greensteel item takes (if you get he right drops ) about 16 Completetions, or 48 parts 1 through 4 Shroud runs to get the Large ingredients needed. 16 completions will take about 2 months if the player only has a single character of the appropriate level and stays on lockout timer fairly regularly.
After having done that much running however they can likely make any T2 Greensteel item as quickly as they can get the blanks and that first Shard of Power.
Please, create a way for us to recover some of the benefits of that effort, when a change in the Game, changes how we want to play.