Ever since I realized it takes a fair amount of platinum in the millions to play the high end game, I started noticing the current costs and decided to be a more market savvy play.
However, having looted my fair share of named items, and done what research I can, Im game, I have come to the conclusion that the price of named items varries greatly.
Realizing the true value of items, it's sad to see other players try to scam named items off new players in a group. It's happened to me before, luckily I knew the true worth. If you're new, just hold onto things until you can find out the value.
WHich is the purpose of this thread..Is there a link or price guide referrence for cannith as to game rares true value?
This goes for lowsies like muckbane and GIant's roar.. all the way up to white dragon helm and mucks'doom.
Plus there's tons more.. Too many rares to name..
Isn't there a general price guide out there for the most commonly saught after rares.. and the harder to finds?