Thanks, Silverleafeon; great guide for me.
+1 rep for you!
[I know: minor necro post -- gimme a break]
With update 7, prayer (tested by me), rage (tested by me), and other spells such as rescitation have been fixed.
It appears that summoning spells have 3 choices per level {summon monster 8 & 9 tested by me} that greatly increase the variety of summoning spells.
{Carrying a few Summon Monster 1 scrolls are recommended as the only way to get rid of an unwanted high level summons.}
Some of the summons cannot be targeted after they change form, hence buff them before the battle begins.
Holy Aura (level 8 spell not tested by me) has been fixed earlier and is now considered a must have spell by some veterans. {Good for Amarath.}
Will update guide in the future.