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  1. #41
    Community Member jhorn02's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emili View Post

    Many of us have asked for randomness years ago... however was put to us would add overhead killing performance and be easily prone to bugs,

    are a few quasi-random things in game. Rainbow's traps, the differeing maps of shadow crypt, but nothing extraordinary.
    Yeah, but now that we have the ingenuity of Wiley Coyote, Tom, and Jerry behind the game, I think we're in a different place. Anything is possible with some rope and an anvil!

    But seriously, the examples you give just show that it IS possible to add more variation into quests and I just can't believe that it would detract much from performance. Seems to me, it would simple add a bit to processing demand during the 2 seconds in which a new dungeon instance is being created. Not saying I fully understand the Turbine game engine, but I've programmed since the mid-90s and just can't imagine that an elegant solution isn't possible.
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  2. #42
    Community Member Khanyth's Avatar
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    Default I didn't read all the pages, but:

    people would go apes%%tbonkers if this happened.

    Too many players couldn't handle the blow to their player-leet-ness, if they couldn't run a quest and not tell everyone where everything is and predict what is going to happen before it happens everytime. They just can't. I swear....

    Some quests, sure.... but doing this would cause too many broken egos, and too many forum threads about how these changes are bunk and they're quitting DDO. I ran Monastary of the Scorpion and 2 players were constantly arguing about where the trap boxes were and it was just silly. I couldn't imagine them in a quest where the boxes randomly switch... they couldn't handle being wrong now, and I shutter to think of the emotional instability that randomness would cause them.

    People don't like change... classic example is the Reavers Refuge crafting system: people hate the fact that they have no control over what effect they can put on their DT armor. Now, imagine if you've run a quest 10 times, and all of a sudden, it looks different and all the trap boxes are changed.

    People wouldn't be able to handle it.

    That being said: it is a great idea. But on mass, it'd be hideously unpopular

  3. #43
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    /agreed... Every time I want to roll a new toon, I just dread having to do the same quests over again. Some you just HAVE to do. Spicing it up would be nice.

  4. #44
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  5. #45
    Community Member jhorn02's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khanyth View Post
    people would go apes%%tbonkers if this happened.

    Too many players couldn't handle the blow to their player-leet-ness, if they couldn't run a quest and not tell everyone where everything is and predict what is going to happen before it happens everytime. They just can't. I swear....

    Some quests, sure.... but doing this would cause too many broken egos, and too many forum threads about how these changes are bunk and they're quitting DDO. I ran Monastary of the Scorpion and 2 players were constantly arguing about where the trap boxes were and it was just silly. I couldn't imagine them in a quest where the boxes randomly switch... they couldn't handle being wrong now, and I shutter to think of the emotional instability that randomness would cause them.

    People don't like change... classic example is the Reavers Refuge crafting system: people hate the fact that they have no control over what effect they can put on their DT armor. Now, imagine if you've run a quest 10 times, and all of a sudden, it looks different and all the trap boxes are changed.

    People wouldn't be able to handle it.

    That being said: it is a great idea. But on mass, it'd be hideously unpopular
    I hope (and think) you're kidding.

    If the devs only made changes that were popular, we'd have death by CON damage, 20K exp Gianthold quests, the option to buy any scroll from vendors, and about two dozen other things that were unpopular changes at the time. The changes I'm suggesting might frustrate a few people, but would be a very nice long-term addition to keep players around.

    I think this would be very popular overall.
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  6. #46
    Community Member lethargos's Avatar
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    And you took my signed-virginity, a great idea. And it could be optional so not to **** of naysayers. I have played for only a few months, taken 5 toons to lvl12 range and im feeling the burden of repetition already.And yes i know theres more grind to come of a different kind, so that would ease it for everyone who wanted a occasional break from it.

  7. #47
    Community Member Khanyth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jhorn02 View Post
    I hope (and think) you're kidding.

    If the devs only made changes that were popular, we'd have death by CON damage, 20K exp Gianthold quests, the option to buy any scroll from vendors, and about two dozen other things that were unpopular changes at the time. The changes I'm suggesting might frustrate a few people, but would be a very nice long-term addition to keep players around.

    I think this would be very popular overall.
    No, I'm not kidding.

    People pride themselves on being able to brag that they can spot a trap/know where the box is/what type of enemy is coming at them.... before it happens. Call it e-leet-ness... ******baggery... whatever you want.

    I can think of at least a dozen instances, without trying too hard, where a player got surprised because something was supposed to happen the way s/he thought it would... and it didn't... and the whining was almost too much.

    IF that happened on a mass scale, there'd be too many people who'd whine 25/8/375 on the forums about it.

    Trust me: when it comes to these sorts of "games", a vast majority of people cannot handle change and when/if that change happens, they complain to the high heavens about it.

    Randomizing quest layouts, traps, trap boxes, mobs and mob types.... that'd be too much for some people. Just too much.

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