Random encounters don't make narrative sense and would reduce immersion. Remember the Depths quests. I don't ever want to see rust monsters and iron golems cohabitating.
You can easily make it semi random, assign ti a pool of monsters so you dont get what you are talking about happening.
Take inspired quarter for example, walking down a hall you get 2 fighters and 2 wizards, every time, you can make it randomly choose what those 4 will be, from the list of possible enemies for the dungeon. You might get 4 wizards, 1 war 3 clerics, 2 rogues wizard cleric, w/e, just some change rather than the old, bust open this door, our wizard fingers the casters before the shards hit the floor, melee follow soon after.
What you're describing would be silly, but is easily avoidable.
As to people crying about random traps, i think if you made spot do the wave thing on the person who senses that a trap is near like what you get on a box when you search for traps, should make it much more smoother for dungeon crawling with random traps and alleviate some of those whines. Would also give some use to some of those ranger flavor ( curently ) type skills/spells
Cry for help does this sort of thing
theres a LOT of traps in this quest but it's random as to whether or not they're there.
They could retrofit old quests this way, and I think for the ones that get played a lot (the f2p) ones and ones you need to semi-farm this idea is a sound one.
I'd also like to see very rare creature spawns in some quests... maybe even one that spawns NOT on the enemies side..
SO it actually fights THEM when it spawns.
You could also have a rare chance for a MEETING of sorts to take place in a mission where theres a lot of creatures in one room.
Last edited by Chaosprism; 06-17-2010 at 05:28 AM.
What's this...........an idea that promotes............,no it couldn't be,..............PLAYING SMARTER!
I love most of the ideas making things where you aren't sure where that next trap is going to be or if it is going to throw a weak poison at you or boiling water. Also the mob types would be nice, have a small table of mobs in the quest and let the trash mobs be a random assortment of the quest monsters.
Maybe not all of them are on the same side, maybe on one run you get lucky and find a group of Kolbolds that ran into some smugglers now their are Kolbolds fighting you, Smugglers fighting you, and Kolbolds fighting Smugglers, or (promoting smart game-play) pull the Smugglers to the Kolbolds where they fight leaving you to deal with the ones who survive.
Also again this is just my thoughts
A necromancer from before Pale Master came out.
Argonesson: Nexal / Dolgos / Golgos / Earie / Nexas
Threads: Halfling PrE, Master Thrower / New set of spells: Illusion
- Permadeath Guild -
No twinking - No spoilers - No farming - Real challenge
what i have always thought that devs should do is implement quests like they did the devils assault. sure i dont like the quest and have only done it when it first came out. but was it a surprise when my friends and i ran it on elite with lvl 16 toons thinking we are going to walk through this lvl 8 quest and we got smoked. when we went back in i looked and noticed it was a lvl 18 quest. just imagine running ww on elite with lvl 16 toons and actually be challenged...
Very well put together.
Devs, please consider it seriously.
Those are both interesting ideas.
I've often thought this game should include more opportunities for encounters that don't just involve killing everything that spawns.
The devs did something like that in the Ghola Fan prison. The guards and inmates will fight each other unless you draw aggro. The quest is much easier if you DON'T fight everything. I can imagine encounters where an overpowered boss spawns along with an ally. Much testing would have to go into making sure the encounter was balanced, but I think it could be done. In Weapons Shipment, the titan is overpowered, so all you really have to do is sit back and wait...but I'd like more situations where you have to pitch in and work collaboratively with a NPC to beat a boss. (Unlike Threnal, where Coyle is more detriment than help).
There is one other quest where I seem to remember two types of enemies fighting each other, but I can't remember which. Seems like its a mid-level quest...
This would be difficult unless the creatures that were meeting were from various "factions" and began to fight each other. A room full of creature would be a lot for a party to handle (not to mention lag concerns).
************************************************** *******
Cynder - 17(TR) Wizard | Airborne - 12(TR) Ranger | Scruffy - 17/3 Barbarian/Fighter | Rapscalian - 6(TR) Artificer | Revive - 11 Cleric
We are nowhere near the WOW level, nor will we get there. 75% of the old world content is abandoned in WOW, and people solo in the outerworld and skip all the dungeon crawls due to being able to farm xp at a higher rate.
DDO is not even close by a long shot. Its not even comparing apples to oranges. Its more like apples to construction equipment.
Check out my Cannith trade list: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...05#post3574205
I'd love to see some random traps in wilderness areas - perhaps something that rangers (and hopefully eventually druids) would get to spot on DC 20+. Things like tiger pits, punji sticks, etc.
Another brainstorm for dungeons - a random "trap" where the floor falls out and you find yourself in a nest of [random vermin] and need to fight your way out.
Last edited by ssgcmwatson; 06-18-2010 at 12:19 AM.
my first
/sign /sign /sign /sign /sign
?? 6th /sign -????
Last edited by Theolin; 06-18-2010 at 12:55 AM.
Great ideas, and a lot of constructive elaborations in this thread.
- Permadeath Guild -
No twinking - No spoilers - No farming - Real challenge
Many of us have asked for randomness years ago... however was put to us would add overhead killing performance and be easily prone to bugs,
are a few quasi-random things in game. Rainbow's traps, the differeing maps of shadow crypt, but nothing extraordinary.
Last edited by Emili; 06-18-2010 at 05:03 AM.
♣ A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes. ♣
Abaigeal(TrBd25), Ailiae(TrDrd2), Ambyre(Rgr25), Amilia(Pl20), Einin(TrRgr25), Emili(TrFgt25), Heathier(TrClc22), Kynah(TrMnk25), Meallach(Brb25), Misbehaven(TrArt22), Myara(Rog22), Rosewood(TrBd25) and Sgail(TrWiz20) little somethings with flavour 'n favour