Main reason 30% healing amp as well as Human Versatility.
yes the Elf does gain +2 search and +2hit/dmg with LS via enhancements but the human will be able to get his strength higher to knock off +1hit/dmg so elf is truly only +1 hit/dmg above the human unless more is spent into strength in the begining.
As well higher HP from human and a feat/skill a level is always good.
Hashasheen - Ifuwantblood Yougotit - Fishwater - Stranglehold - Trampled Underfoot - Theotherone - Thirtydays Inthehole -Spanishmoon - Southbound - Gimmeshelter - Warpigs - Hotelillness
CE is for the AC; I was trying to hit Exploiter-ish levels. Between high AC and Dance of Clouds finisher (20% concealment for 1 min), I'm hoping this build does a decent job of avoiding getting hit. Imp Trip because, hey, tripping is good for a laugh, innit? Imp Trip gives +4 DC, reduces the cooldown, and trips can last up to a minute rather than 6 seconds. [Trip-ee makes a Balance check every 2 seconds, IIRC; the odds of failing 30 of them in a row are pretty low, but it still ought to keep them down longer than a regular Trip.] Stunning Fist is one of the pre-reqs for Shintao, the forthcoming light monk PrE; not sure if it's worth it, but I figured I would plan for it.
You get 11 feats in the build 1 human 3 monk 7 base
You need:
Spring Attack
Weapon Focus: Slash
Whirling Steel Strike
Improved Critical: Slash
Oversize Two Weapon Fighting
Power Attack
So I guess you have 2 feats left in the build could do toughness x2 for 44hp or CE for 5ac and two weapon defense for 1ac or some other misc combo hmm, I guess the last 2 feats could use a look into for the build.
any advise on the last 2 feats?
so no thoughts on what would be the best last 2 feats for this build?