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  1. #1
    Community Member Emizand's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Itchy Trigger Finger

    First let me apologise for the format.

    Secondly this isnt an optimal build but a flavour build. Will be using light repeater (until crafts heavy repeater ) handaxes and eventually a rad II kukri. Essentially a mechanic repeater build. Dwarf (i know not optimal)

    Only rough outline at the moment will need some work but would appreciate feedback first. Main issue is should it be 1 monk or 1 figher. have gone for monk but..

    Anyway flame away

    Str 10 +2 tome
    Dex 16 +3 enhancement, +5 lvls, +2 tome, +6 item
    Con 16 + 2 enhancements, +2 tome, +6 item
    Int 16 +2 tome, +6 item
    Wis 12 +2 tome, +6 item
    Cha 6 Situational boost for umd

    1 Ro Exotic: light Xbow (swap just before levelling to 11)
    2 Ra
    3 Ro Finesse
    4 Ra TWF, Rapid Shot (class)
    4 Ro
    6 Ra Point Blank Shot
    7 Ro
    8 Ra
    9 Ro Precise Shot
    10 Ra Swap exotic for improved critical just before levelling to 11
    11 Ro
    12 Ra ITWF (class), Rapid Reload
    13 Mo Toughness
    14 Ro
    15 Ro Improved Critical Slash
    16 Ro
    17 Ro
    18 Ro Skill focus UMD
    19 Ro
    20 Ro

    Enhancements (rough)
    Rogue Improved Trap Sense II, 3
    Rogue Skill Boost II, 3
    Rogue Open Lock III, 6
    Rogue Disable Device III 6
    Rogue Electric Trap Lore I, 1
    Mechanic II 6
    Ranger Spot II 3
    Ranger Hide II, 3
    Ranger Move Silently II, 3
    Deepwood Sniper I 4
    Dex III 12.
    Con II 6
    Toughness II 3
    Sneak attack IV 20



  2. #2
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Does dwarf get you anything other than more HPs for this build? Not that extra HPs is ever a bad thing, of course, but it seems to me halfling or drow would be a better choice.

    Exotic proficiencies require BAB 1, so you would not be able to take it at 1st lvl; same goes for Finesse. I think you could take Rapid Reload or Point Blank Shot instead. Although I don't understand why you would use a feat on light repeaters when heavy repeaters are better DPS and you'd get light repeaters for free at Mechanic I.

    Also, you say "Swap exotic for improved critical just before levelling to 11," but that won't work: when you do a feat exchange, you have to trade it for another feat you could've taken at that level instead; Imp Crit requires BAB 8, so you can't trade a lower-level feat for it.

  3. #3
    Community Member Emizand's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Also, you say "Swap exotic for improved critical just before levelling to 11," but that won't work: when you do a feat exchange, you have to trade it for another feat you could've taken at that level instead; Imp Crit requires BAB 8, so you can't trade a lower-level feat for it.
    Thanks thats the type of catch i wanted. Have swapped repeater and PBS, so wont get repeater till 6th. Will swap out repeater for rapid reload and take imp crit at 12. TYVM. Will get heavy repeater at 18th lvl.

    Yes i know this build is not optimal and drow or halfling may give me a little more. Its going to be tight on AP's as both deepwood and mechanic are expensive, so major bonus is going to be an additional boost to Dex. However i can envisage a dwarven character in this role, as stated earlier it is a flavour thing.

    Thanks again for the imp crit catch, that has saved me a major headache later.


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