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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Deific Maelstrom Recruitment

    Hello all, had a post way back that got lost in the pages.

    We have now officially launched our website, and all information on recruitment is available with the click of a button.

    Please feel free to send us a message!

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Here's the guild information (from straight off the site):

    Guild Overview
    Deific Maelstrom was created with the intentions of being a friendly first-name-basis, group on the fly guild. After spending countless months attempting to duo throughout the game, or dealing with atrocious pick up groups, it was time to gather a small group of friends together to create what we have now. At its heart, Deific Maelstrom is a small group of tightly knit friends that raid and group together, and do their best to help eachother out.

    Over the course of the last few months, Deific Maelstrom has fluctuated in size quite a bit. Prior to the summer months, our roster included roughly 45 active members, with no fewer than 10-15 online at one time. Now, due to the weather and DDO losing several customers, the active roster has dwindled substantially, with the average simultaneous onlines at 4-10 and active members somewhere in the range of about 20-30. To battle this player inactivity, Deific Maelstrom is now recruiting full time.

    There are a few points that set us aside from most guilds:
    *All of our members are VIP or Premium players. Our premium players have access to a large quantity of the 'important' game content, in order to ensure that they are not left out of most guild adventures.

    *Every member has a microphone set up and ready to go, not all of them make use of it full time, however the possibilities for coordination and over-the-mic entertainment are present.

    *As previously stated, we operate on a first name basis. This means, upon entering the guild, your name must be provided for the guild roster. It will not be given out in random grouping scenarios if you so choose. However we prefer using first names due to massive amounts of alternative characters, and to get to know our members on a more personal level.

    *We raid, and group together often. These functions -are not- mandatory, however they are suggested. What's the point in being a part of a group while not actually being with the group?

    *Deific Maelstrom also possesses a fully stocked guild banker. The treasury of items and money is accessible by every member and their alternative characters. If any items / money are needed, supplying of such will be arranged via /tell or mail. Also, to ensure we don't run out, the banker is constantly updated by myself and all other members of the guild.

    ***If any other information is wanted, feel free to contact us through our forums or in-game! We love to chat!***

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