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  1. #1
    Community Member Jemaniya's Avatar
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    Question What's a no-death item (beholder fites)?

    What is this no-death item that people keep telling me to have that will keep me safe from Beholders?


  2. #2
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    beholder optic nerves or silverflame necklace

    those just have charges though and arent permanent.
    so technically you need to rest after every encounter
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  3. #3
    Community Member Alintalkin's Avatar
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    Beholder optic nerves will make beholders something you can laugh at due to your overall immunity to anything they throw at you.
    Silver flame neck will save you from one of the beholder eyebeams (Enervation I believe is the name of spell) which will work up to 10 times a rest depending on how much it is upgraded.
    Deathblock will also save you from the insta-death spell they can cast (as that is what I assume you mean by no-death item).

    Beholder's optic nerver is optimal though it only has 8 charges before needing to rest
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  4. #4
    Community Member Otherworld's Avatar
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    I think they mean goggles of the fleshrender guard that drop as an endreward from the Tangleroot chain.
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  5. #5
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Otherworld View Post
    I think they mean goggles of the fleshrender guard that drop as an endreward from the Tangleroot chain.
    While very nice for many many mobs, a beholder will Debuff the Deathward one casts from them.
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  6. #6
    Community Member TheDjinnFor's Avatar
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    A "no death" item for beholder fights is probably a deathblock item.

  7. #7
    Community Member Merlocke's Avatar
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    Default Run cursed crypt 3 times. very easy.

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  8. #8
    Community Member Jemaniya's Avatar
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    Arrow f2p

    Can a f2p get ahold of a deathblock item?


  9. #9
    Community Member Merlocke's Avatar
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    i think you can get deathblock on a robe at lvl 4.
    Synergia Merlocke (Wiz, Heroic/Epic/Iconic Completionist x3) Merloc (Cleric Tank) Merlocked (Barb) Merlocc (Rog)

  10. #10
    Community Member Cylinwolf's Avatar
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    Beholders cast a multitude of spells depending on what side you're on.

    Staring at you, they'll use their antimagic field, disintegrate, telekinesis, and enervate.
    Standing behind them, they'll use finger of death, scorching ray, and curse.
    Standing on their sides, they'll use an odd combination of flesh-to-stone, hold monster, slow, and inflict serious wounds.

    I'm going to skip the spells on the sides because I've literally never noticed anyone being hit by one of those since I started playing in 06. People just usually stand in front of or behind them.

    - The common problem with beholders is their disintegrate ray. Save or take a fairly large dump of damage. The only two ways to mitigate this ray are to increase your fort save to avoid taking the full damage from the beam or to put on a Beholder Optic Nerve (absorbs 8 beholder rays per day, from the F2P quest Invaders!).

    - I'm not sure if Telekinesis is blocked by the Beholder Optic Nerve, but it's not a real problem unless you're in Von 2 and risk being thrown off the side of the quest.

    - Enervate will give you a few negative levels every shot and can be a problem pretty quick. The deathward spell would normally block this (as it prevents death spells AND negative energy effects) but the beholder's antimagic field has probably dispelled it on you. The Silver Flame necklace (built through all four Necro adventure packs), at it's max rank, will absorb 10 negative energy effects, so it's your best bet to stop the enervate ray from stacking neg levels on you.

    - A deathblock item will stop the finger of death effect behind them. You can find this on armor or the Silverflame Necklace.

    - Fire resist/prot will stop the Scorching Ray on the off chance he fires it behind him. You can just pop a remove curse potion to remove any curses he puts on you.

    There's not really any items that completely nullify the threat of beholders. The optic nerves are great if there's other people foddering and stopping you from eating all 8 rays at once; but it's a pretty limited item.

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