I REALLY want a Drow or Elf that is multi-class, that is a TWF, uses medium armor at the least (no bathrobes or mc hammer pants) does really good DPS, can solo enough to work in a DUO (I can't play in a group bigger ever than that, because of short bursts of time I am online. If for the Elf I have access to 32 point, have the drow too, supreme tome is no problem.
I've been searching for months now for a build. I did the TWF elf Paladin. It was great but I would like to try an Elf or Drow that is more fighter, barb something maybe. I don't care about evasion cause I WILL NOT use clothing/robes. I love armor. the look and all that. So I don't know what is available with those limitations and again HAS to be drow or elf because all the other races don't exist to me.
If anyone can possibly help me out, so I can play something and have some fun, please post a build. I'd appreciate it a lot. I'll send you a thank you card and buy you game on steam if you can help! It sounds crazy but I just can't find a build that would work for this and I am about to give up on this game. I am assuming fighter, barb and ranger or maybe a fighter/fvs or some pure fvs (though that's not multi.) I played two Paladins so I am done with that.
I'm not to quick on acronyms and DDO slang so you'd have to have patience to help me. English is not my first language either, so like always, I deeply apologize for this poorly constructed and probably very difficult to read request! Thank you!