It is drow, silly. More int would cost more points, though I'd love to have the points to max out intimidate, and more dex is pointless assuming a mithral breastplate.To make this even more fun, why not go Drow and just take Con at 6, and plow a couple more points into Dex or Int?
Yes, I know, that was a sarcastic response, something about sarcasm brings out the smart alec in me.
Heroic Durability +20
14 Pally levels +140
6 rogue levels +36
+3 con bonus (+2 tome, +6 item) +60
Toughness +22
Toughness enhancements +50
Greater False Life +30
Minos Legens +20
Draconic Vitality +10
388 HP before any greensteel or other exceptional HP or exceptional con.
Common enough: +45 HP in exeptional bonuses, and +2 exceptional con for +20 more HP... so 453 HP assuming I've ground out enough gear to even consider epic.
But maybe that's too squishy, maybe I should LR and drop the wisdom to 8 and the con up to 12, so 40 more HP... how much survivability is 493 HP compared to 453?