To make this even more fun, why not go Drow and just take Con at 6, and plow a couple more points into Dex or Int?
It is drow, silly. More int would cost more points, though I'd love to have the points to max out intimidate, and more dex is pointless assuming a mithral breastplate.

Yes, I know, that was a sarcastic response, something about sarcasm brings out the smart alec in me.

Heroic Durability +20
14 Pally levels +140
6 rogue levels +36
+3 con bonus (+2 tome, +6 item) +60
Toughness +22
Toughness enhancements +50
Greater False Life +30
Minos Legens +20
Draconic Vitality +10
388 HP before any greensteel or other exceptional HP or exceptional con.

Common enough: +45 HP in exeptional bonuses, and +2 exceptional con for +20 more HP... so 453 HP assuming I've ground out enough gear to even consider epic.

But maybe that's too squishy, maybe I should LR and drop the wisdom to 8 and the con up to 12, so 40 more HP... how much survivability is 493 HP compared to 453?