I’ve noticed something strange about the economy of the Sarlona server. I mention that server specifically because I have no idea how the economy is ran on other servers, as I have no characters yet on other servers. This isn’t a complaint, I mean really, how can I complain when as a new player of about 7 weeks I’ve been able to fairly well twink out (good/acid/fire/cold weapons, decent armors, trap finding and disabling items, wands, clickies etc) 3 low level characters fairly well with only spending about 40 k platinum that I earned by farming collectibles and reselling them at the auction house. It’s more of a curiosity that I’m looking for an answer for, so if you have one please let me know.
I’ve found an abundance of well priced lowbie weapons on the auction house. The acid weapons, fire weapons, good weapons or combinations thereof are all over the place and while some people think that a +1 dwarven waraxe of pure good is worth 150,000 plat, the general populace puts really good prices of 2.5k to 7k plat on these weapons. The damage boosts are amazing for low level characters, and the prices are such that even on my ranger I can have one each of piercing/slashing/bludgeoning as well as a good damage bow and just blow through most low level content. +Stat items, skill items, armor are all in very manageable price rangers. Here’s where I get confused though. While a good amount of low level content items are priced to sell below 10k plat, it seems that the next tier of items are all priced over 100k plat… Why the HUGE scale in price?
Remember, this isn’t a complaint. I fully intend to take advantage of the item prices on some of this stuff as soon as I find something sweet to put on the AH and conform to community standards!![]()