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  1. #1
    Community Member Phaelen's Avatar
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    Apr 2010

    Post Sarlona AH price scaling

    I’ve noticed something strange about the economy of the Sarlona server. I mention that server specifically because I have no idea how the economy is ran on other servers, as I have no characters yet on other servers. This isn’t a complaint, I mean really, how can I complain when as a new player of about 7 weeks I’ve been able to fairly well twink out (good/acid/fire/cold weapons, decent armors, trap finding and disabling items, wands, clickies etc) 3 low level characters fairly well with only spending about 40 k platinum that I earned by farming collectibles and reselling them at the auction house. It’s more of a curiosity that I’m looking for an answer for, so if you have one please let me know.

    I’ve found an abundance of well priced lowbie weapons on the auction house. The acid weapons, fire weapons, good weapons or combinations thereof are all over the place and while some people think that a +1 dwarven waraxe of pure good is worth 150,000 plat, the general populace puts really good prices of 2.5k to 7k plat on these weapons. The damage boosts are amazing for low level characters, and the prices are such that even on my ranger I can have one each of piercing/slashing/bludgeoning as well as a good damage bow and just blow through most low level content. +Stat items, skill items, armor are all in very manageable price rangers. Here’s where I get confused though. While a good amount of low level content items are priced to sell below 10k plat, it seems that the next tier of items are all priced over 100k plat… Why the HUGE scale in price?

    Remember, this isn’t a complaint. I fully intend to take advantage of the item prices on some of this stuff as soon as I find something sweet to put on the AH and conform to community standards!
    Phaelyna - Halfling Cleric/Monk/Rogue 3/2/1
    Patth - Warforged Wizard/Rogue 1/1
    Phaelina - Human Ranger/Rogue 2/1

  2. #2
    Community Member mws2970's Avatar
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    Much of what you see at those inflated prices will never sell.
    Main: Castagir (completionist), officer of the Fighting Clowns of Sarlona. Alts: Modric, Modrich, Kristna and others.

  3. #3
    Community Member ckorik's Avatar
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    What you tend to find - is that average stuff sells for base cost most of the time. What happens though is people will price items with RRwhatever) high due to the lower min lvl requirement. Also you find any time the 'tier' of the item goes up the price gets wickedly high.

    For example:

    Paralyzer sword: at the lowest level you can equip these they are 100k+ most of the time - but just a lvl or two up and you find them for 15k.

    a RR sword at an even lower level is worth more obviously. Many of the effects on weapons are teared - this means that the lower the level you can equip that effect - the more 'overpowered' it really becomes.

  4. #4
    Community Member Phaelen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ckorik View Post
    What you tend to find - is that average stuff sells for base cost most of the time. What happens though is people will price items with RRwhatever) high due to the lower min lvl requirement. Also you find any time the 'tier' of the item goes up the price gets wickedly high.

    For example:

    Paralyzer sword: at the lowest level you can equip these they are 100k+ most of the time - but just a lvl or two up and you find them for 15k.

    a RR sword at an even lower level is worth more obviously. Many of the effects on weapons are teared - this means that the lower the level you can equip that effect - the more 'overpowered' it really becomes.
    AWESOME info! I'll increase my search ranges to incorporate higher levels to compare prices. Man, that's going to help alot!
    Phaelyna - Halfling Cleric/Monk/Rogue 3/2/1
    Patth - Warforged Wizard/Rogue 1/1
    Phaelina - Human Ranger/Rogue 2/1

  5. #5
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    And if you pull one of those RR items and you don't need it don't be shy about listing it for a high price. It WILL sell. Also, clean proof against poison items sell for a ton compared to the level you pull them. I've gotten around 20k plat quite often for these - really nice if you're just starting on a new server.

  6. #6
    Community Member ckorik's Avatar
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    From experience - here are some of the items you'll find yourself really wanting as you lvl to 10 - after that you should have your own idea of where to go (only need one each if you are a two handed user)

    2x Holy/Good/Flametouched - these are for Delra's chain

    2x silver (vampires)

    2x ghost touch (wraith/specter/etc)

    2x adamantine (golems)

    You can combine the silver/adamantine if you find a metaline weapon - most other types of damage reduction you'll encounter as you lvl to 10 won't stop you from killing something - it will just slow you down - but the above are needed against monsters that are almost immune unless you have the right weapon.

    You can combine any of the above effects but some of them are hard to get.

    If you find *any* metaline of holy/good - you can probably sell it for decent cash - that kind of weapon is needed for high end raiding.

  7. #7
    Community Member Phaelen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkrok View Post
    And if you pull one of those RR items and you don't need it don't be shy about listing it for a high price. It WILL sell. Also, clean proof against poison items sell for a ton compared to the level you pull them. I've gotten around 20k plat quite often for these - really nice if you're just starting on a new server.
    Makes sense, thanks for the info.

    What do you mean by "clean"? Do you mean no damage on the item?
    Phaelyna - Halfling Cleric/Monk/Rogue 3/2/1
    Patth - Warforged Wizard/Rogue 1/1
    Phaelina - Human Ranger/Rogue 2/1

  8. #8
    Community Member Katrina's Avatar
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    Typically 'clean' means no kickers or rr.
    i.e. +1 vorpal handaxe of maiming rr. halfling is not clean
    +1 vorpal handaxe is clean

  9. #9
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phaelen View Post
    Makes sense, thanks for the info.

    What do you mean by "clean"? Do you mean no damage on the item?
    Clean as in no other effects on the item.

  10. #10
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    I know I tend to put "nice" items on the AH to give more players a chance at them. Vendor trash is sold to the brokers. Nice stuff are items you could see yourself using (if you did not already have a dozen of them) and that another player is likely to buy, but not overpay for. That appears to the be kind of thing you are finding.

    The SERIOUS Twink items are those with RR so you can use them 2 levels sooner if you are the right race or have UMD to overcome it. Those items sell for a serious premium.

    Keep in mind that it is not that hard for a high end character to net a million gold pieces after a evening of quests. Having those resources means that if someone is offering a nice weapon that will augment a lowbie one of them is running, that paying hundreds of thousands of gold is not any real obstacle and it will readily happen.

    The final tier are the high end items (BLoodstones etc) where the asking price is 5 million + gold.
    Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more

  11. #11
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    When you do start pulling these upper tier items such as bloodstone and planar gird be very careful about how much you list them for. I purchased 2 planar girds for less than 20kpp total and I can only imagine it was a new player who did not know the value of said items.
    I ransacked the Millers Good's and all I got for it was this stupid T-Shirt.

  12. #12
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    You also just have to keep checking. I'll buy early if I can't use an item, but it's at a good price.

    I.E., I bought +1 metalline of pure good kopeshes for my exploiter even though I won't be able to use them until atleast 15 because they were less then 1/10 of the price of a +4 version.

  13. #13
    Community Member Phaelen's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info, all! Things are starting to come more into the correct perspective now.

    And yeah, i see now the difference of what you mean about "twink" items and "nice" items.
    Phaelyna - Halfling Cleric/Monk/Rogue 3/2/1
    Patth - Warforged Wizard/Rogue 1/1
    Phaelina - Human Ranger/Rogue 2/1

  14. #14
    Community Member Lanuric's Avatar
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    Default Another possibility.

    I have made uber amounts of cash selling lowbie gear (lvl 3 to 9) selling at buyout price of base plus 1-10k per lvl. Now Im not even close to rich compared to many ppl I know, but as was stated earlier, its easy for higher level toons to make some serious cash quickly.

    There are plenty of others like me that are not just cashing in on the flood of new ppl. I understand that a lvl 5 belt or pair fo gloves, will last you 2 lvls more or less (RR items have a longer lifespan in this regard) before you want to switch, especially for rogue gear, haggle items and stat items. What is the point of paying a large amount of cash for a lvl 5 item, when in a day or 2, you'll be needing to pay the same or more for a replacement item??

    Mind you, most of the time, if I am in a group with new ppl, and I have something sitting in the bank that is just taking up space, then its a freebie fest giveaway. I like to help as well, with no need for compensation. Helping is its own reward (I wish the loot gods saw this...they really do suck!)

    Good luck in your item and weapon search! And if you are after something specific you need let me know. If I have 1 I dont use, I will happily give it to you for nothing.
    Lanuric and Fenuric Halven, Arrass Katlan, Arconstruct and Kierahn the Servant, Gruntak the Songmaster, Kohahn and Dehli of the Blades, Taikiji, Shurikai and Dojuwa of the Ninjic
    Sarlona Guilds I am in:
    Ruby Covenant, Halfling Commandoes, The Harpers
    A collection of my Short Stories

  15. #15
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lanuric View Post
    I have made uber amounts of cash selling lowbie gear (lvl 3 to 9) selling at buyout price of base plus 1-10k per lvl. Now Im not even close to rich compared to many ppl I know, but as was stated earlier, its easy for higher level toons to make some serious cash quickly.

    There are plenty of others like me that are not just cashing in on the flood of new ppl. I understand that a lvl 5 belt or pair fo gloves, will last you 2 lvls more or less (RR items have a longer lifespan in this regard) before you want to switch, especially for rogue gear, haggle items and stat items. What is the point of paying a large amount of cash for a lvl 5 item, when in a day or 2, you'll be needing to pay the same or more for a replacement item??

    Mind you, most of the time, if I am in a group with new ppl, and I have something sitting in the bank that is just taking up space, then its a freebie fest giveaway. I like to help as well, with no need for compensation. Helping is its own reward (I wish the loot gods saw this...they really do suck!)

    Good luck in your item and weapon search! And if you are after something specific you need let me know. If I have 1 I dont use, I will happily give it to you for nothing.
    Putting a buyout, especialy on low level gear is very good idea.

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