I'm too lazy to check if the following idea has already been submitted.

Clerics only get Turn Undead as free feat at level 1 and that's it. Since the Turn Undead is pretty much a non event for the class I figured if you gave the clerics an automatic feat enhancement in this area such as Sacred bonuses it would make a big difference.

My suggestion is to award the free Sacred Bonus at level 5, and then again at 10, 15, 20. The bonus will be a +1 for level 5. An extra +2 at level 10. An extra +3 for level 15. An extra +4 for level 20. Max total 10 Sacred Bonus. These will stack with game enchantments.

The idea is to make the cleric a serious Bane to undead everywhere the more cleric levels it has. You can always tweak these to suit game balance if the proposed Sacred Bonus above it not enough or too much. Perhaps it kicks in at minimum level 10 as proof of dedication, and so on.

Ideally I would like to link the free Sacred Bonus to a Charisma minimum but I don't see how that would work. An alternative might be to make the Sacred Bonuses as a multiplier to Charisma Base only (re rolled Cha + tomes).

It would also be good that Turn Undead attempts did minimum damage to the various Undead bosses that can never be turned (dunno if that's in there already).