Hi all,
So i love taking a class, and turning it in to a battle build of some kind. I was just going through the forums, and found a few battle mage builds that i liked, but didnt love. So here is the rough draft of my battle mage.(would have gone in and done hp-sp, but late and night and on vacation, will look at those on saterday or sunday when i get back home)
Race: WF
Class: 18 wiz 2 fighter
str: 17(13)
con: 14 (5)
int: 16(11)
Left over points can be put in to con or int, your call.
Lvl order
1 wiz, 2 fighter, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 wiz, 11 fighter, rest wiz
end stats
str: 17+6 item+5 lvl ups+1 enh+2 tome+3 tod ring= 34+2 rage =36+2 madstone= 38 self buffed
con:14+6 item+2 enh+2 tome=24+2 exep=26+2 rage= 28
int: 16+3 enh+3 tod ring+6 item+2 tome= 30
1: Extend
1 wiz: MT
2 fighter: THF
3: thoughness
6: imp mt
6 wiz: Max
9: Quicken
11 fighter: Imp THF
12: PA
12 wiz: Empower
15: imp crit slash
17 wiz: Highten
18: Grt THF
Helm: Menos
Neck: superior potincy 6 (amerath[doesnt matter what one])
trinket: Bloodstone(+6 seeker)
cloak: Reavers napken(+6 int +1 spell DC)
belt: knosts(+6 con gfl)
ring 1: Encrusted (+6 str +3 exeptional)
Gloves: Spectrial gloves(+2 to hit +4 dex bypass ghost tuch[sry for miss spelling])
boots: GS pos/air/pos LS guard hp
ring2: tod ring w/ +6 con and +2 exep int(crafted)
bracers: Vod bracers(spell pen, archmagi, fire sheild)
Docent: DoD, upgraded quri forged(toughness, sup false life(+40 hp) +6 con)
Lighting 2 maul (for faster attack rate
Min2 Great axe
2 vorpal 1 handers(LS, battle axe, or scimi)
quick question:
can you add hvy fort to a tod ring?
please feel free to put comments below ONLY saying negitive HELPFULL things about the build