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  1. #1
    The Hatchery samthedagger's Avatar
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    Jan 2010

    Default Help Me Reach +39 UMD

    I want to be able to hit +39 to UMD so that I can reliably (100% of the time) use heal scrolls by level 16. This is because after this point I can still use exceptional siberys shards to swap feats and I have three feats I want to swap out by this time (the mark of healing chain). My character is a halfling rogue with a base 8 Cha score and max ranks in UMD. Here is what I have so far:

    19 ranks
    8 base Cha: -1
    +2 Cha tome: +1
    +6 Cha item: +3
    Golden Cartouche: +3
    Greater Herosim (Planar Gird): +4
    Total: +29

    So I need to come up with another +10 somewhere before I'll be happy with swapping my feats. I need to do this without relying on other players to always be around since you never know when you might need to join a PUG. So what can I do that is reasonably achievable by level 16? I know I could spend some points on Rogue Skill Boost, and I'm considering doing that, but I'm strapped for APs and would like to see if I can hit it without doing that. Swapping a feat for Skill Focus: UMD is a possible consideration as well, but I'd rather spend my feats on combat.

  2. #2
    Founder Nyvn's Avatar
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    Exceptional Charisma skills from greensteel gear will give you +6, head of good fortune willl give you +2 luck.

  3. #3
    Community Member Symar-FangofLloth's Avatar
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    Oct 2006


    Voice of the Master from Delera's (+1 luck) or Head of Good Fortune from Reaver (+2 luck)

    Rogue feat: Skill Mastery (+1)

    Skill Focus: UMD is another +3.

    You can make a Shroud item for up to +6, although that comes paired with spellpoints, which aren't very useful for you. Might still be worth it, and you can get the secondary effects still. Getting that by level 16 is questionable, but possible.

    Seven-fingered Gloves from Titan are +5 UMD, so that will be a +2 increase as well.

    And the Big Top hat from the upcoming U5 quests will grant a +1 (I forget the type of the bonus, but it stacks with other +UMD gear) to UMD.
    Last edited by Symar-FangofLloth; 06-11-2010 at 12:04 AM.
    Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.

  4. #4
    Community Member MrWizard's Avatar
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    Sep 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by samthedagger View Post
    I want to be able to hit +39 to UMD so that I can reliably (100% of the time) use heal scrolls by level 16. This is because after this point I can still use exceptional siberys shards to swap feats and I have three feats I want to swap out by this time (the mark of healing chain). My character is a halfling rogue with a base 8 Cha score and max ranks in UMD. Here is what I have so far:

    19 ranks
    8 base Cha: -1
    +2 Cha tome: +1
    +6 Cha item: +3
    Golden Cartouche: +3
    Greater Herosim (Planar Gird): +4
    Total: +29

    So I need to come up with another +10 somewhere before I'll be happy with swapping my feats. I need to do this without relying on other players to always be around since you never know when you might need to join a PUG. So what can I do that is reasonably achievable by level 16? I know I could spend some points on Rogue Skill Boost, and I'm considering doing that, but I'm strapped for APs and would like to see if I can hit it without doing that. Swapping a feat for Skill Focus: UMD is a possible consideration as well, but I'd rather spend my feats on combat.
    Let me are only 16th...yikes..

    charisma 8 (dumb) + 6 charisma item + 2 charisma tome = 16 cha, 3 modifier

    19 ranks
    3 charisma modifier
    6 shroud crafted charisma skills item
    4 greater heroism
    3 golden cartouche or bunny hat
    2 head of good fortune

    you can get gloves of +5 from titan to make it 39
    exceptional +2 charisma item for +1 mod to make 40.

    or get a bard to give a skills song and you are over 40.

    Head of fortune from reavers is not too hard to get, maybe 20 runs, the gloves from the titan are near impossible.

    you could also blow a feat on UMD mastery for +3, rogue feats for skill mastery, and much more including your skills boost.

    Frankly, once you get to mid 30s, a few fails is not that bad. Add in your 4 more levels you could obtain and you are getting near 50 with all the items.
    Cannon fodder build The Stalwart Defender, Raid Tank
    Worst Shroud PUG EVER!!!!!! Epic Fail (started 1/13/10, necro'd 3/9/10, 4/20/10, raised dead 3/ 9/11, necro'd 4/9/11, 5/28/11, fame petition necro 8/5/11, necro'd 9/30/11, KIA 10/3/11, True reincarnated famed (by cleric Cordovan) 10/4/11,

  5. #5
    Community Member JohnWarlock's Avatar
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    I would recommend a shroud item air/air/air with focus on charisma skills, except that you would loose all benefits from the mana portion of the item. Since it grants Wizard VI, 50 spell points, 100 spell points for a total of 300 spell points you won't see since your rogue doesn't cast spells. Yet there you have it, 6 points to all your charisma skills, that stack with the golden cartouche and take skill focus umd that's 3 more points for a total of 9 points. that would put your existing 29 + 9 = 38 and put on the voice of the master, +1 to all skills that ups it up to a 39 umd. I'm not saying you should do it, or it's easy to accomplish or smart, but you wanted 10 points there they are. Easiest way to obtain them depending on what you have at hand.

  6. #6
    The Hatchery samthedagger's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    So a shroud-crafted item is reasonably attainable by level 16? How many times am I going to have to farm to get the mats I need?

  7. #7
    Community Member JohnWarlock's Avatar
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    well honestly, you'll have a lot of farming to do, specially just for that first shard of power. The advantage is that even the 1st 2 tiers of it will grant you +1 and +2, so even if you reach level 20. You'll have your 39 umd by then, drop Skill Focus UMD when you get the +3, also air guard is not a bad guard to carry around. It's a DC 35 Trip on mobs, and the 3 charges of haste you get at tier 2 you get 1 minute and 26 seconds per charge.

    But yes, prepare to do a lot of farming. Also like someone else suggested Head of Good Fortune is better. Or the gloves, that's what my wizard has. The Titan Gloves, +5 umd. But all of these items are no easy to come by, it will take time, depending on how much you play, you might get to level 20 before actually getting them.

  8. #8
    Community Member JohnWarlock's Avatar
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    Btw if you wanted to know how the bracers are crafted:

    Greensteel Bracers With +10 hp, +1 Dex Skills , +15 hp, +2 Dex Skills - Haste (3/day), +20 hp, +3 Dex Skills - Air Guard (On-Hit, DC 35 Trip or 30-second haste)

    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****
    * Green Steel Section *
    * Altar of Fecundity - Meridia *
    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****

    Use either formula to create your item. Only one needs to be used.

    Greensteel Bracers

    Formula #1
    Gather These Raw Materials:
    1 - Bitterscrub Fungus From: Ritual Sacrafice, Running With The Devils
    2 - Chipmunk Funk From: Coalescent Chamber, Let Sleeping Dust Lie
    2 - Locus Husk From: Let Sleeping Dust Lie, Vale Rare Chests
    2 - Glistening Pebble From: Rainbow In The Dark, Running With The Devils
    3 - Lammanian Lily Petals From: Ritual Sacrafice, Vale Rare Chests
    2 - Green Briar Twigs From: Coalescent Chamber, Rainbow In The Dark
    4 - Eberron Energy Cells From: Vendor By Alter
    5 - Shavarath Stones: Might (Ritual Sacrifice), Battle (Running with Devils), Strategy (Let Sleeping Dust Lie), Victory (The Coalescense Chamber), Foresight (Rainbow in the Dark)

    Create - Filaments of Toil
    Combine: Locus Husk, Lammanian Lily Petals, Glistening Pebbles, Green Briar Twig, Eberron Energy Cell

    Create - Violet Taper
    Combine: Chipmunk Funk, Locus Husk, Lammanian Lily Petals, Glistening Pebbles, Eberron Energy Cell

    Create - Wonderous Scarab
    Combine: Bitterscrub Fungus, Chipmunk Funk, Lammanian Lily Petals, Green Briar Twig, Eberron Energy Cell

    Create - Shavarath Signet Stone
    Combine: Stone of: Might, Battle, Strategy, Foresight, Victory

    Create Final Item - Greensteel Bracers
    Combine: Shavarath Signet Stone, Eberron Energy Cell, Filaments of Toil, Violet Taper, Wonderous Scarab

    Formula #2
    Gather These Raw Materials:
    1 - Bitterscrub Fungus From: Ritual Sacrafice, Running With The Devils
    2 - Chipmunk Funk From: Coalescent Chamber, Let Sleeping Dust Lie
    2 - Locus Husk From: Let Sleeping Dust Lie, Vale Rare Chests
    3 - Glistening Pebble From: Rainbow In The Dark, Running With The Devils
    3 - Lammanian Lily Petals From: Ritual Sacrafice, Vale Rare Chests
    1 - Green Briar Twigs From: Coalescent Chamber, Rainbow In The Dark
    4 - Eberron Energy Cells From: Vendor By Alter
    5 - Shavarath Stones: Might (Ritual Sacrifice), Battle (Running with Devils), Strategy (Let Sleeping Dust Lie), Victory (The Coalescense Chamber), Foresight (Rainbow in the Dark)

    Create - Filaments of Toil
    Combine: Locus Husk, Lammanian Lily Petals, Glistening Pebbles, Green Briar Twig, Eberron Energy Cell

    Create - Violet Taper
    Combine: Chipmunk Funk, Locus Husk, Lammanian Lily Petals, Glistening Pebbles, Eberron Energy Cell

    Create - Wonderous Scarab
    Combine: Bitterscrub Fungus, Chipmunk Funk, Lammanian Lily Petals, Glistening Pebbles, Eberron Energy Cell

    Create - Shavarath Signet Stone
    Combine: Stone of: Might, Battle, Strategy, Foresight, Victory

    Create Final Item - Greensteel Bracers
    Combine: Shavarath Signet Stone, Eberron Energy Cell, Filaments of Toil, Violet Taper, Wonderous Scarab

    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****
    * Tier 1 Upgrade Section *
    * Altar of Invasion - Shroud Part 1 *
    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****

    Air - Escalation - Material
    +10 hp, +1 Dex Skills

    Gather These Raw Materials (From Shroud Part 1 Chests):
    2 - Small Glowing Arrowheads
    1 - Small Gnawed Bones
    1 - Small Infernal Chains
    2 - Small Devil Scales
    3 - Small Twisted Shrapnel
    3 - Small Sulfurous Stones
    1 - Shard Of Power
    5 - Shavarath Low Energy Cells From Chests Within the Shroud, or the Vendor in Part 3

    Create - Inferior Focus Of Air
    Combine: Small Glowing Arrowhead, Small Gnawed Bone, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Small Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Low Energy Cell

    Create - Cloudy Gem Of Escalation
    Combine: Small Infernal Chain, Small Devil Scales, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Small Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Low Energy Cell

    Create - Diluted Material Essence
    Combine: Small Glowing Arrowhead, Small Devil Scales, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Small Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Low Energy Cell

    Create - Imbued Shard Of Power (Air)
    Combine: Inferior Focus Of Air, Cloudy Gem Of Escalation, Diluted Material Essence, Shard Of Power, Shavarath Low Energy Cell

    Create Final Item - Greensteel Bracers With +10 hp, +1 Dex Skills
    Combine: Greensteel Bracers, Imbued Shard Of Power (Air), Shavarath Low Energy Cell

    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****
    * Tier 2 Upgrade Section *
    * Altar of Subjugation - Shroud Part 3 *
    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****

    Air - Escalation - Material
    +15 hp, +2 Dex Skills, Haste (3/day)

    Gather These Raw Materials (From Shroud Part 2 & 3 Chests):
    2 - Medium Glowing Arrowheads
    1 - Medium Gnawed Bones
    1 - Medium Infernal Chains
    2 - Medium Devil Scales
    3 - Medium Twisted Shrapnel
    3 - Medium Sulfurous Stones
    1 - Shard Of Great Power
    5 - Shavarath Medium Energy Cells From Chests Within the Shroud, or the Vendor in Part 3

    Power - Depleted Shavarath Medium Energy Cell With +6 to +15 Weapons (Combine Weapon & Energy Cell on Alter)

    Create - Focus Of Air
    Combine: Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Gnawed Bone, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

    Create - Gem Of Escalation
    Combine: Medium Infernal Chain, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

    Create - Material Essence
    Combine: Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

    Create - Imbued Shard of Great Power (Air)
    Combine: Focus Of Air, Gem Of Escalation, Material Essence, Shard of Great Power, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

    Create Final Item - Greensteel Bracers With +10 hp, +1 Dex Skills , +15 hp, +2 Dex Skills - Haste (3/day)
    Combine: Greensteel Bracers(With Tier 1 Upgrade), Imbued Shard Of Great Power (Air), Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****
    * Tier 3 Upgrade Section *
    * Altar of Devastation - Shroud Part 5 *
    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****

    Air - Escalation - Material
    +20 hp, +3 Dex Skills, Air Guard (On-Hit, DC 35 Trip or 30-second haste)

    Gather These Raw Materials (From Shroud Part 4 & 5 Chests):
    2 - Large Glowing Arrowheads
    1 - Large Gnawed Bones
    1 - Large Infernal Chains
    2 - Large Devil Scales
    3 - Large Twisted Shrapnel
    3 - Large Sulfurous Stones
    1 - Shard Of Supreme Power
    5 - Shavarath High Energy Cells From: Chests Within the Shroud, or the Vendor in Part 3

    Power - Depleted Shavarath High Energy Cell With +8 to +15 Weapons (Combine Weapon & Energy Cell on Alter)

    Create - Superior Focus Of Air
    Combine: Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath High Energy Cell

    Create - Flawless Gem Of Escalation
    Combine: Large Infernal Chain, Large Devil Scales, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath High Energy Cell

    Create - Pure Material Essence
    Combine: Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Devil Scales, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath High Energy Cell

    Create - Imbued Shard of Supreme Power (Air)
    Combine: Superior Focus Of Air, Flawless Gem Of Escalation, Pure Material Essence, Shard of Supreme Power, Shavarath High Energy Cell

    Create Final Item - Greensteel Bracers With +10 hp, +1 Dex Skills , +15 hp, +2 Dex Skills - Haste (3/day), +20 hp, +3 Dex Skills - Air Guard (On-Hit, DC 35 Trip or 30-second haste)
    Combine: Greensteel Bracers(With Tier 1 & 2 Upgrade), Imbued Shard Of Supreme Power(Air), Shavarath High Energy Cell

  9. #9
    The Hatchery samthedagger's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    I know you didn't just type that out, JohnWarlock. Is there a tool somewhere that gives you a print-out of what you need to craft GS item X?

    I know of the Eldritch Rituals Cookbook, but I'm guessing you used something else. That tool would be invaluable to me and I would thank you for pointing me to it.

    Also, I'm thinking maybe the quick way is just to swap for SF:UMD and take Rogue Skill Mastery and Rogue Skill Boost (+4) (this I can swap around from Extra Dragonmark III) and the Head of Good Fortune then just retrain that stuff later.
    Last edited by samthedagger; 06-11-2010 at 12:38 AM.

  10. #10
    Community Member kamimitsu's Avatar
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    There are quite a few GS planners, Sam.

    I like this one best because it works backwards. Choose the things you want your GS to do, and then find out how to craft it.

    There is also the Interactive DDO Game Guide, which is nice. It has solvers, strategy guides, etc., and you can use it to track your ingredients. It's a good download to have in your "DDO stuff" folder.

    Edit: Here is what I have on Monkey. +4 to CHA skills, +6 WIS, some Diplo/Haggle, Proof Against Poison and Fear Immunity. For an all purpose item, it works pretty well (though in hindsight I wouldn't recommend using a belt, given the ToD belt sets).
    Last edited by kamimitsu; 06-11-2010 at 01:38 AM.
    Shiz - Ghallanda > Orien (Pharoah let my people go!)
    Shizmonkey (OG Grand Poo-Bah of R.O.G.U.E. 1st edition) and other various ShizAlts
    R.O.G.U.E. Proving Grounds Redux is now defunct. Check out Part Quatre

  11. #11
    Community Member IgorHackNSlasher's Avatar
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    It was nice of you to type all that out johnWarlock but unfortunatly he would need a CHA based skill boost not a dex for UMD, so no HP increase either.

  12. #12
    Community Member JohnWarlock's Avatar
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    and ****, I linked the wrong item... see what happens when you start working on crafting with no sleep... shame on me; and let that be a lesson for everyone else. :P

    Thank you very much for pointing out the errors of my way. It's good to have people proof read the horrible mistakes that are made

  13. #13
    Community Member
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    Don't forget Dragontouched armor from Reaver's Refuge for a CHA skill +3. For Tempest and Sovereign rune effects, I wouldn't even try to suggest farming for them since greensteel is probably a faster route to what you want. But for Eldritch runes, you can farm them easy enough from Monastery (you get at least 1 on casual and 2 on normal).

    Here's what I plan to do with my 13/7 q-tip acrobat. My goal was to not waste GS materials on the charisma skill effects since I don't use spell points. I also don't plan on slotting a luck trinket since I'll probably have the symbiont in there. But that's another 1-2 points if you don't want to use a feat.

    23 skill
    3 charisma mod
    4 greater heroism
    3 UMD skill feat
    3 bunny hat/cartouche
    3 DT armor

    You can also get alchemical charisma stat and skill potions. Maxon Dreamwalker in House D gives +1, +2, and +3 pots as rewards for collectibles.
    Last edited by prybar; 06-11-2010 at 10:47 AM.

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