
I'm planning to TR my currently gimped melee toon to an AC build (I choose the wrong alignment so cant splash for monk on my rogue/ranger)

I havent accumalted alot of the raid gears, but do plan to make 2 Min2 and a 45HP item before the TR (have all the ingrediants except for the shards) and grind out an icy (chattering ring would be beyond my patients as titan groups are few and far in between)

I've read alot of useful threads about end game AC build. but seen very little info on AC while leveling

so can someone be kind enough to provide some numbers on various other levels of leveling process and the number of AC needed to be
a) useful (50%~80% miss chance)
b) untouchable (95% miss chance)
in those areas

Lv 4~8 (house quest)
Lv 12 (desert)
Lv 15 (GH)
Lv 17 (Necro4/Vale)
Lv 18 (Reavers/Amrath)
And the common gear needed to reach those #

I'm planning to build something similar to lightbringer
18Pal/2Monk but using drow (so if I cant take it anymore I can always LR into a Pal20 KotC)
Planning on Lv1~12 being Pally HoTD so i can self heal more efficently, lv13~14 on monk and change to DoS
Planning to solo/pug most of the time so self sufficency in needed

Endgame wise I'm aiming for 85 short term AC (Horoth have BAB of 65 on normal according to DDO wiki before debuff)

any information suggestions is most appreciated