Leave the kill count. Add more stats so people can stop complaining that kill count doesn't matter and get hard numbers on the correlation. This would truly shut up the naysayers.
Harsh bragging is the sign of a tool. They don't need a kill count to egg them on. They'd hurt your feelings regardless, you delicate flower.
In a perfect setting 'ctrl x' would actually be worth something. Possibly show a value for damage output. Cause when you get a barb goin after a trog when theres an orthon or devil around, sad as it may be, you know its for kill count.
Offtrack a bit but maybe even heal output or a bonus for bringing a character from near death back to health again. Give a healer something to gauge other than death count.
Of course in both situations the calculations would be limited to its effect. You cant do damage to a mob thats dead, nor heal someone above their max HP.
Currently 'ctrl x' isnt worth much other than a gauge for did you get max XP when leveling.
I think the only time I can remember someone mentioning the kill count in a pug that ive been in has been me. I'll take the time to notice any accomplishments that players make and compliment them on good spellcasting/healing/killing and kill count is an indicator about what a player is doing.
The kill count is valuable for a person who is supposed to be killing lots to give themselves an idea of how they are getting along as it can possibly highlight problems or strengths if they look at the kill count over a period of quests. What I'd really like to see is some stats on my characters over their careers, that would be fun
Mind you, id love to see some sort of tally on "Hit points healed: #" and "Seconds enemies immobilised: #" i think that would be valuable too.
Since I am somewhat new I do have a question about this thing. Ok was this thing part of the game from launch? If not what was the motivation behind it.
I know thats two questions.
Pinotnoir Drinksalot