(Sorry for the length I got carried away)
Tempest Spine how I hate you so. I think that was my 6th time in that quest through many years of playing, I don't particularly lke the quest for the following reasons:
#1 At times it can take a long time to fill I do not like waiting more than 5 mins or so for groups to fill if I hadn’t been just on at the right moment and looking at the LFM, "Last spot need Arcane", I would not have joined.
#2 Player knowledge of the quest is so varied there where a few people who for sure knew the quest (I will say 3 players out of 12 unfortunately they where not leading) there where a few more people that kind of knew the quest (3 more and I would say I was in that group - I could make the run to the cave but once inside just followed the leader) and then half the people had no idea what was going on what was coming up where we where going and where just following along...and yes one of them pulled the fire lever, with no prompting warning or anything else. The variedness of this makes it tough on every one people that know it are running ahead getting stuff done and expecting others to just know it. People that don't tho it are getting lost, not learning the quest and not participating.
#3 No proper indoor map makes it easy for people to get lost and separated from the group and if your lost and don't know the quest even trying to get someone to you that does know the quest can be difficult because they don't know where to find you.
#4 Most runs take about 45 mins to an hour but this is the second time in there with a 2+ hour completion I wanted to go to bed an hour ago. One time I ran it with a group in just less than 30 minutes but everyone but me knew the quest or knew how to fake it.
I just wanted to once again thank every one who came in after the fact to save the run. Tempest spine is tough when very few people knows fully what they are doing and I will admit to being in the list of unknowing. The run was going along fairly smoothly IMO and from the past few time I had been in there; right before fire and ice their was some tension when 8 people went the wrong way hoped down some place we should not have and where lost sheep until some came and got us and led us by the hand back to the portal. I was on my wizard Krud and only arcane in the group, I have to say the 3 Favored Soul's and 1 Cleric did a great job with healing and Crowd Control. Next bit of tension came at the swim part....seriously did underwater breathing items stop dropping? Why should someone have to cast water breathing on people?
After that relatively smooth sailing until the boss their was little bit of planning but no clear leader ship, no one was sure wear all the shards where at(HUGE, HUGE, HUGE mistake mental note next time I play that quest make sure I have all 3 myself and volunteer to put them in the jars). Last fight DPS for the group was unreal but someone kept undoing the puzzle...what is up with that? Was it a miss click on the soft targeting or was the person just griefing? If some one does the puzzle do not mess it up and too who ever grabbed that one shard we needed and did not put it in unless you are sure what you are doing do not pick up a quest item! Within two minutes we had the giant down to under half 3 separate times but he kept healing back to 100% full I am guessing this was because of the missing shard or was it the broken puzzle? Then the giant blows 1/2 the part off the mountain. One of the very knowledgeable guys had jumped off after the giant went back to full the first time and went looking for the shard we needed (what one do you need Fire and Ice?), before he can get back the party is dispersed many dead, many lost. At this point half of the group quit without bothering for a retry, at an hour and ten minutes invested in the quest why not regroup for an organized attempt at the boss? Soon after a few more dropped off, rather than recall and run again from being dead in the outside area. After getting the star I put up the LFM - "Elite Tempest Spine at End BOSS come get Favor and an End Reward - Please HELP" and thankfully we filled again with very generous people who received possible favor, no XP, two end chests and an end reward. Once again thanks to all that came and pulled us out of the fire.
After Thought Questions and Comments:
1. Is there no indoor map of tempest spine (even a link to a hand drawn one on the net would be nice)?
2. Did underwater breathing items stop dropping?
3. What happens if the puzzle is not made or someone breaks the puzzle?
4. If you lead the quest and do not know it should you not pass the star off to someone that does?
5. Do people that know the quest just expect that every one knows it as good as they do?
6. It is nice to know there are many generous and helpful people that still play on this server!