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Yep, and this was something I argued a long time ago.
Some examples:
Full plate: the heaviest of armours. Offers 8 AC, but only 1 max dex. You simply can't move very well in this bad boy, but it offers plenty of protection.
Padded armour: the lightest of armours. Offers a mere 1 AC, but with a max dex of 8. So essentially it offers very little protection, but the most agile/dextrous/nimble/however-you-want-to-look-at-it person could achieve a similar protection to that of full plate.
It all balanced out.
Or, rather, it was *meant* to balance out. Everyone was supposed to be able to achieve good AC, and the armour you wore was mostly dependant on your character's dexterity.
Then as 3.0/3.5 introduced more and more rulebooks, things got out of whack, and that's where (as mentioned earlier) you started seeing crazy stats, and crazy class/PrC combinations allowing for insane ACs and such. i.e. mudflation destroyed the balance.
The same has happened to DDO.
We started with +1 tomes, and max +6 items. Now we're into +4 tomes, +7 items, exceptional bonuses, yugo pots, and so on and so on. The stats just keep getting higher and higher.
So while the pajama'ed person's AC can just keep rising as their DEX (and WIS if /Monk) goes up, the armoured person is somewhat limited based on the max dex boost of their armour.
Stalwart Defender and Defender of Siberys offered boosts to full plate to help balance that out, but as I've been arguing only those who take those PrEs get those benefits.
The other plate tanks are left behind.
Turbine eventually threw the tanks a bone with DT plate, but the end result was that it was very little improvement over mithril full plate for the average person. 15 (+1) vs. 13 (+3) is the same, unless you start throwing on fighter armour mastery, dwarven armour mastery, SD/DoS heavy armour dex boosts, and so on to reach a max dex boost that your Dex score can't fill out.
But generally speaking, armour is still far more limiting than wearing no armour. Which is skewed.
They'll introduce weapons that can do 500 dmg lightning strikes, or allow for stats to go past 40 in some cases, but they won't introduce a base 20 AC (+1) super-armour for the pure tanks :/