Looking for:
1. Min level 10 +3 holy rapier of pure good with an icy burst augment on it or a RR elf +4
2. +5 holy silver rapiers of Greater Evil outsider bane.
3. +5 holy cold iron rapiers of Greater Undead bane.
4. min level 8 finessable disruptor RR elf.
5. +5 holy addi rapiers of Greater Construct bane.
6. Full set of tome pages
7. Spec glove scrolls
8. Cursespewing or improved cursespewing Kurkis, Semis, and Rapiers of Smiting or Banishing.
What I have:
1. A long list of very nice DPS based Rapiers, Semis, and Khopeshes with some RR's from level 2-12 with icy burst augments on them.
2. Large Scales
3. Greater Banes
4. Green Steal blanks.
5. Stock piles of massive amounts of other stuff
6. Plat
7. Some epic scrolls