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Should the raid loot from DQ (Torc, Greenblade, Pouch), Titan (Chattering Ring, Seven Fingered, Titan Belt), Reaver (Madstone Boots, Head of Good Fortune, Napkin), Hound and VoD have their ML raised because they are more powerful than just about any other item in their respective slots/roles?
Increasing the ML on Shroud weapons to 16 would have no effect other than to make leveling a TR less enjoyable. Increasing the ML on Shroud weapons to 20 would both do that and make the level 16-20 range a lot less enjoyable to play in, and for what purpose?
There are other ways that greensteel could be nerfed in a moderate fashion without stripping weapons from 8 levels of gameplay. Remove the blast effects, or maybe remove the bursts, or drop the base enhancement on the weapons to +3 instead of +5, or... Any of these changes would upset a lot of people, but wouldn't completely destroy the weapons, or the entire point of working toward them, or the fun of TRing.
And again, there are weapons that offer comparable DPS...they are just incredibly rare, because you have to wait for the random loot tables to toss one out there. If the concern is with Shroud weapons making everything but those obsolete, then perhaps some tweaks need to be made to the loot generators (and that is true even outside of this argument).
Finally, the thing to remember is this: Shroud weapons may consolidate backpack space, and may make it unnecessary to acquire other DPS weapons, but they don't make other people without Shroud weapons useless. You may have better equipment than the next guy, but that doesn't mean the next guy is useless. Hell, he may not even be that far behind. And they don't obviate the utility of things like Banishers and Smiters...monsters' inflated saves do that. Vorpals still have their place. And that's as it should be: some weapons are only useful in a few circumstances, and it is up to us whether we want to spent the coin and space on those niche items.
Going back to the idiotic arguments concerning WoP, those DID make anyone else fairly pointless, as if 2 or 3 people in the group were doing Con damage, anyone who wasn't was working at cross purposes.