I saw one of the devs say there avoiding nerfing Green Steal. I dont have the link at the moment.
My question is why is a green steal move from 12 min level to 16 min level, removing the extra +2 to damage, changing good burst to just pure good, and droping level 12 to end game mobs hit points by 10% or so across the board, so much to ask for, when turbine decided to nerf wounding and puncturing to:
1. 95% less viable and deceasing its value by more then 95%
2. Wronging it's veteran population that choose to put a massive amount of work that it took to build the net worth to obtain these elite weapons by that hard work with one simple change, a veteran population that supported the game from the beginning in its most fragile time and deserves to be grand fathered in.
3. All because 30% more viability in swing per kill ratio on trash mobs vs. the common vorpal was considered SOOOOOOO imbalance, in a game where 95% of the party wipes and combat challenge happen at red names where w/p is useless.
4. Destroying most of what little random loot excitement factor was left in the random loot table at the time.
So my question to the turbine dev team is: If w/p was so bad that it had to be eradicated basically, with the list of all the negative side effects that came with it, instead of just raising the rarity of wound or puncturing effects X 100 with no bias to class based end reward, Then why is GREEN STEAL TO GOOD TO NERF?
Tier 3 green steal is about 280% more effective DPS then its min level 12 random loot table counter parts, with a unnatural level to gear ratio growth curve diluted the random loot table value of many founding players accounts with its massive magic bloat, and in karmic irony is now cause mass lag problems and client crashes.
Does the Turbine team still feel that W/P nerf was the right move? and if not what restitution is in store? because I don't appreciate my entertainment company destroying years of half of my hard work and half my account value with one move.
W/P 130% viability with the massive amount of work to aquire for trade in value VS "Take out the Trash" mobs nerfed into oblivion.
Green Steel 280% viability vs EVERY THING Un nerfed.
I fail to see the logic in this behavior.