Well, like everyone knows, fvs and clerics each one got their own advantages.
I got both, one WF FvS lv 20, going for the third TR, and one Drow Cleric lv 20, just waiting for update 8 to go for third tr as well. both epic and end games focus and fully geared.
Since both of them got pretty much every raid gear they need, didnt notice any clear difference on lvs 11-20 while lvling during TR's. At early lvls (before BB), it was better with the fvs cause of the melee ability. But comparing end game only, each one got their flavor
Fvs its always the last one to die during a raid. More hp, better saves, and a great melee ability when geared. Dumped SP and Cha totally, and i still got 2750 sp with him. Having 627 hp and DR 15, all saves 35 to 44: hes a highlander. he wont die (of course, im supposing that im not drunk or high
The Cleric compared to the fvs its a bit squishy, 420 hp. with 42 wis and mental toughness, hitting 2200 sp. so around -500 sp compared to my fvs. but -> 25 aura burst. so that 500 sp loss doesnt matter with healing ability. Fvs and Clerics when build, played, and geared right way, are both amazing healers. the clerics DC's are great - although u wont see me BB on epics. maybe a cometfall to help the CC, but not much other then that. With the new Helf dillated enchaments lines, my cleric saves will be just as high(or better) as my fvs. so that doesnt matter much.
The only major difference i see beteween my toons are the fvs wings (i just love that ****), DR and melee ability (regarding melee, yes you can creat a battlecleric, but imo fvs melee >>> any battlecleric build - tryed most of them.) One more thing: imo , full clerics and fvs are better then any splash builds. Why? Ive never been in a spot that evasion is a must. AC its broken at end game, you dont need it at all. and both builds can reach amazing saves. you can live just fine without monk lvls or ac - i prefer more sp, spells and cap in both cases. but again, thats MY opinion,builded up in 2 years of playing and trying lot of fvs and cleric builds.
Regarding Spell slots and choice - actually, thats hardly a problem. unlikely arcane spells, you will use the same spells the entire game. beeing able to change spells at my will its only a must when im having fun at pvp. other then that. my spell list its pretty much the same, for both toons.