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  1. #21
    Community Member Acehole31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lonewolfe View Post
    well, I made it 8 months before I started playing the F2P again. I will say, there have been many changes since I left. Some seem good.....others seem like more endless grinding. However, whatever they did must have worked since I just went back to VIP. I hope it lasts this time. Although I have returned, I don't have the same addiction to play like I did before. It is nothing for me to play a couple quests then log for the day. In the past, I put in probably 5 hours a day at bare min and sometimes went on 12+ hour benders. I have no desire to return to that time, but a couple hours a day wouldn't hurt me
    For the past week that's about what I've been doing, just a couple hours a day tops, then logging off for the night. I've been busy outside of the game lately - In fact, I just did a couple raids and I'm satisfied now, heh. I was just checking the forums before I get busy doing other things and found this thread. Welcome back to the game - If you'd like someone to run with, feel free to hit me up.
    The House of Althbrite: Uzer, Wizard - Malwystin, Fighter - Teilah, Rogue - Toviz, Cleric - Spoonie, Bard - Malevolence, Barbarian - Lutecius, Revenant build (my gimptoon) - Kepesk, Sorcerer
    Quote Originally Posted by iraiqat316 View Post
    I was piking and Ninja Afk'd for a Power Dump, I came back and I was out =(

  2. #22
    Founder Roman's Avatar
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    I miss the old DDO. It was more.... raw back in the day. I do miss it. But it's still a fun game, though not what it used to be.

    Regarding AC, I never played D&D and I never really understood the AC concept in regards to heavy armor. How is someone that is wearing 100 lbs of plate armor and carrying a shield harder to hit than a nimble little kung fu monkey dodging blows in a robe.

    It makes sense that heavy armor would offer better DR, but not AC. If anything hvy armor should lower AC and raise DR. If I was all decked out in heavy armor and a shield I wouldnt be dodging blows, I certainly wouldnt be hard to hit, but yes, it would makes sense that I would take less damage, there would certainly be damage reduction (DR). Just makes no sense that a heavily armored combatant would be harder to hit.

    DR should become relevent and I think that would make S&B and hvy armor comparable and competative with AC.
    .: Reaper :.
    Kongo - TR | Brolik - Warforged Ranger | Bonemender - Clerimonk | Torqata - Warforged Sorcerer | Fresco - Tempest III UMD | Ognok - Intimi Guard Tank

  3. #23
    Community Member Aeolwind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roman View Post
    I miss the old DDO. It was more.... raw back in the day. I do miss it. But it's still a fun game, though not what it used to be.

    Regarding AC, I never played D&D and I never really understood the AC concept in regards to heavy armor. How is someone that is wearing 100 lbs of plate armor and carrying a shield harder to hit than a nimble little kung fu monkey dodging blows in a robe.

    It makes sense that heavy armor would offer better DR, but not AC. If anything hvy armor should lower AC and raise DR. If I was all decked out in heavy armor and a shield I wouldnt be dodging blows, I certainly wouldnt be hard to hit, but yes, it would makes sense that I would take less damage, there would certainly be damage reduction (DR). Just makes no sense that a heavily armored combatant would be harder to hit.

    DR should become relevent and I think that would make S&B and hvy armor comparable and competative with AC.
    Doesn't account for the raw deflection that heavy armor & a shield provides. This has always been the base reasoning why heavy armor is good AC. Palladium uses a similar system to what you refer too above.
    Aeolwind (5/12) - 18 Sorc/1 Art | Melisandria - 20 Fighter SD | Anlona - 20 cleric RS

  4. #24
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roman View Post
    DR should become relevent and I think that would make S&B and hvy armor comparable and competative with AC.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeolwind View Post
    Doesn't account for the raw deflection that heavy armor & a shield provides. This has always been the base reasoning why heavy armor is good AC. Palladium uses a similar system to what you refer too above.
    A PnP DM I played under many years ago had devised a homerule-system that combined AC and DR that worked pretty well.
    Never did get a copy of his system, tho.

    Could see medium/heavy armor types picking up some inherent DR, stackable with a shield. Ones with DR enchantments would then just add bonus DR onto those items.

    Hmmm. How did an old necroed 'Bye thread turn into a debate on DR?
    Last edited by cdbd3rd; 03-06-2011 at 09:45 AM.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  5. #25
    Community Member ArchStriker's Avatar
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    I want more updates to ddo. mohoauauwhu.
    waka flaka flame ina unda wata tank

  6. #26
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    Been here a long time myself and these last two events and the gear they provide not to mention the plat from the last event have put a real damper on my desire to play almost wish I hadnt reuppped my sub for another 6 months gonna try to reignite my desire to play but not sure how.

    Beware the Sleepeater

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