(appologize for my bad spelling a head of time so please forgive me and if you cannot read through it then just dont reply save your breath i dont care)

I find it kind of funny when issues the players have with changes or things that are flat out UND&D are discussed no compramise is made at all ... in stead they say too bad ... well what is the point of discussing the change and displeasure in it?

when major unbalanced issues about shintao are brought up and hundreds of posts on the matter ..... and no dev response ... then what is the point of testing and writing threads on a beta server at all?

When a change that is tested and proven not to work from the players side ... rather then delay the change till it can be worked through and have it actually work it gets pushed through anyway ...... then what is the point of testing?

I find that this style of testing that turbine wants us to do .... on a preview server ... where the testing should have already been done well before lama with numbers that far out do lama before it even is thought about being added to a PREVIEW (suggesting already completed just not ready for marketing live release) server.

While i quite enjoyed going over to lama and seeing the new content and seeing how far in one week of barely playing in a guild of one i could get ...

i am however quite disappointed in the lack of feedback we are getting from the development team on major issues ...

some of the major issues i have yet to see valid dev feed back on in following the dev tracker are

shintao monks

over all monk AP cost

Renown amounts by level and difficulty

Guild problems stemming from renown

Potential of Delaying TWF nerf till its working correctly

Potential of compramise rather then dumbify dice rolls (rather then 1-6 and dice on bottom changing the description to 1d6[1-6] or 1-6 [1d6] terminology as suggested by the players

I am sure that while I could list more issues that are not being talked about with the players dispite the hundreds of posts . .these are the few topics that came to mind ...

I am not the only one who wants the answers but it appears i am one of the only ones willing to put his rump on the line to call for dev's attention where it is needed.

If this post in some way offends a DEV or player please rather then give me an infraction point or neg rep or lengthy post detailing how much of a jerk i am simply PM me with what offends you and i would be glad to dumb down my post without removing my opinion or direction of the thread.

I am not so hard to talk to that i wouldnt understand without you taking it too far .... thank you for your co -opperation.